Monday, March 31, 2014

{Disney} Hollywood Studios

On our first day at Disney we went to Hollywood Studios!  We had a great day for it and we got to see everything we wanted AND more!  This park is usually for Camden, however, I think Bexley loved it just as much this year!  Of course Camden loved all of the Star Wars stuff and the Jedi training.  We got to see Indiana Jones...which was Bexley's favorite and Camden's too!  Maybe we have a little stunt girl on our hands!!!  Again this year, the kids were still scared to do the Tower of Terror, but there's always next year!  This Disney thing is starting to be a Spring Break tradition of ours!!!

For some reason this trip, Camden was all about getting autographs...even more than riding rides!  Bexley wanted the signatures, but not to pose with them!  She was hilarious with FroZone!
I think this was one of my favs!  I thought it would be Bexley's...and it was until we saw the Indiana Jones show!
This was Honey I Shrunk the Kids break we took!  The kids loved it!  Good thing we saw the movie before we left!
Always super fun...the Toy Story ride!  Camden and I were partners!  I got 107,200!!!  WooHoo!  After the ride, Scott asked me what my score was.  It was weird...after I told him what I got, he couldn't remember what his score was!  Whatever!  Hahaha!

{Road Trip} and Welcome Bags

Scott was in Germany the week before we left so we decided to have him fly into Jacksonville, FL on Saturday and we would pick him up on our way to Orlando!  I was a little nervous to drive that far with the kids by myself (7 hours), but it was great...actually!  Thank heavens for headphones and a DVD player in the car!  The kids watched Pokemon and Frozen the whole way to Jacksonville!  I also made a roadtrip bag for each child!  Once we picked up Scott our vacation started!

Also once we got to the house, I had made up some welcome bags for the kids!  They loved these...almost as much as I loved making them!

Here we come Disney World!

Friday, March 28, 2014

{Disney Dollars}

To get the kids excited about our trip to Disney World (not that we have to do too much to get them excited about Disney), they have been earning "Disney Dollars" to spend while there!  They loved doing this and we loved giving them out!

Bexley's Disney Dollars were princess themed!  
Camden's Disney Dollars were Star Wars themed!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

{Carolina vs. Iowa State} Game

I'm was just so excited to watch the Carolina vs. Iowa State game tonight!  It's a win-win situation if you ask me.  I said to Scott, "I don't even care who wins!  I love them both!"  He just gave me a I-can't-believe-that-just-came-out-of-your-mouth look.  What?!?  Even though Carolina lost, it was still fun to watch the game as a family!  Good luck Iowa State!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

{J + K} Wedding

Our friend, an old babysitter and hometown church family, got married a few weekends ago!  The kids were so excited when she asked them to be in the wedding!  They did a great job too ~ we were so proud!  Camden loved hanging out with the bridesmaids (we're going to have to watch that boy when he gets older).  So much that when we took our eyes off of him for a minute, he was in the middle of all the girls.  He also wanted to dance with them all!  Speaking of dancing...Bexley couldn't get enough of the music!  She twirled until her little feet made her stop!  Scott and I loved every minute of it ~ I wish my pics (from the reception) would have turned out better!  Enough about our kids...isn't a wedding really about the bride and groom!  Congrats J & K!

Don't you LOVE her Guest Book and Words of Wisdom!  
Grandpa getting a pic!

Fighting for the garter!  Good thing he didn't get it!  ;)

{Disney Countdown} Has Started!

The countdown is on...7 more days until we are at "the happiest place on earth!"


Monday, March 17, 2014

{Happy St. Patrick's Day} 2014

We had an interesting St. Patrick's Day this year! The day before Camden ran a fever and the day of still wasn't feeling good enough to go to school.  Bexley also got sick with a fever on St. Patty's Day!  However, this did not stop them from trying to catch a leprechaun this year!

St. Patrick's Day breakfast ~ green pancakes, Lucky Charms, green milk, "gold" eggs, and fruit kabobs!

Camden built the Leprechaun trap while Bexley wrote and decorated  the sign!
Teacher gifts!

{Iowa Trip} Kyle & Me

A few weeks back I went to Iowa for a short visit to see some family!  I was quickly reminded of those harsh Iowa winters when I arrived.  On the way to my parents house the temp outside was -5!  I also had the privilege (enter sarcasm here) of enjoying 2 big snow storms in the 3 days!  I was lucky enough to get to spend several days with my sweet nephew!  He loved getting to use the snow blower...and I loved getting to spend good quality time with him!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

{Archery} Practice

The kids spent the night at Grandma & Grandpa's this weekend.  When we picked them up they showed off their archery skills!  They just loved practicing and I loved that Grandpa thought to buy Bexley hot pink arrows!!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

{Baby Chicks}

We went to see the baby chicks at the Farm Supply store the other day.  It's always a fun thing to do around Easter.  When we 1st moved here, we saw the baby chicks and the kids loved it!  This year was no different.  Camden wanted to take one home...especially after the store let him hold one of the baby chicks!  I have to admit...I kind of wanted to take one home too!