Tuesday, December 10, 2013

{Bexley The Brave} at the dentist!

Bexley had her cleaning the other day and when they came to me and said, "We would like to talk to you about a dental plan for Bexley,"  I knew it had to be good.  Part of her "dental plan" was sealants!  I was a wreck watching her be so brave in that dental chair.  Not one complaint, not one flinch...and after it was all done she mentioned to me in the car that she couldn't wait to go back!  I was in awe of her and as you can imagine...one PROUD mama!  She went through a lot...nova-cane, drilling, and sealants!...and after all that, wanted to go to ballet class after!

Bexley with her Owl (a gift from Brenda) to hold her hand...not as if she needed it!

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