Saturday, March 30, 2013

{Egg Hunt} at Grandma Ruby's

Always a tradition at Easter is to get together with family at Grandma Ruby's and have an egg hunt!  Such a fun tradition...for the kids and the adults!!!

{Our House} at Easter

Here's a look at our house at Easter!

Can you find Camden?  I didn't notice this until I was editing the pics!  He must be spy training!


{Coloring Eggs} for Easter!

Easter wouldn't be complete without coloring eggs!  We color hard boiled eggs and make deviled eggs out of them afterwards!!!  I love this tradition as it was also one I did as a little girl...only we hid them!  Can't wait for all of our Easter activities the next few days!!!!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

{Easter House} Fun!

It was our 1st day of Spring Break and I wanted to start it off with something fun!  So we made Easter Houses (like gingerbread houses) for our Peeps!  Camden and Bexley loved it!  The fun part was hearing the stories they were making up as they went along.  Camden said his gummy bears were Imperial Guards for his peep!  That boy references Star Wars whenever he can!

Gettin' started!

Gettin' serious!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

{Dirty Girl Mud Run} 03.23.13

Guess what I did today....the Dirty Girl Mud Run!!!!!!!!  It was so much fun!!! (Can you tell I loved it!)  A good friend of mine asked me if I would want to do it.  So I thought...Girls only, a 5K and we get to run in the mud ~ OF COURSE I'LL DO IT!  It took me about 1/2 a second to agree to it!   The forecast called for rain so the organization decided not to do mud in all of the obstacles, but the ones that they had mud in...we made count!  Defiantly, going to do this one again!

Don't think we look that DIRTY...look at our shoes and our shirts we soaked!

My cards from the kiddos when I got home!  Love that Scott suggested they make cards!

Our team shirts!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

{Our Little} Artist

Last week we received a letter from Camden's Art teacher informing us that his artwork (among 40 others) had been selected to be on display at a bank in Apex to represent the school!  We are beyond proud of our little artist!!!  You may remember me posting THIS awhile back and now we are starring in an art show in town!  Go Camden!!!

Camden Cole's "Starry Night"

Getting our certificate!
Pic with Daddy!

Checking out our work!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

{Happy St. Patrick's} Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

We had so much fun this St. Patrick's Day!  Our Leprechaun was at it again this year...making a mess of unrolling the toilet paper to with a trail of gold coins to our 1st clue which lead us on a scavenger hunt.  At the end of the hunt was a special treat of chocolate gold coins!!!  He also turned some stuff green in our house even the toilet water!  Then we had a big breakfast!  He also left us some small gifts (lucky pennies, rainbow pencils and more gold coins) next to our leprechaun traps!  We didn't catch him this year...maybe next year we will!

Breakfast!  I found really cute printables HERE
Family Breakfast Invite
Eatin' a rainbow stick!
Checking out the options!
St. Patty's Teacher Gift

Camden's lunch on Friday.  More rainbow sticks, sandwich (with Leprechaun tracks and a little Leprechaun bite), green drink, green applesauce, and a shamrock cookie for dessert!

Monday, March 11, 2013

{Happy Birthday} MOM!!!

Happy, happy birthday to my mom!!!  This is a special year for her, but I won't tell you which BIG birthday she is celebrating!  My mom is an amazing woman and I didn't realize or truly appreciate it until I was a mom myself!  It's true...if you could be a parent before you were a would be a different CHILD!  She is a very strong, independent woman and I really look up to her!  I hope this day is as special as she is!  Happy Birthday Mom!!!  We love you!

Friday, March 8, 2013

{Our Little} Backsplash!

While house hunting 2 years ago, we found a kitchen backsplash that we fell in love with!!!  We just couldn't let it go and promised ourselves when we built our home we were going to have the same thing!  Our home builder didn't offer what we wanted, nor did many tile stores.  It took us awhile to find what we wanted and once we did, the salesperson tried to talk us out of it!  It's finally installed and it's even better than what we thought it would be!

The process during....

And while they were installing downstairs, I thought I'd  change the paint in our Master Bath upstairs!!!  

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

{Drawing on the Wall}

"Go ahead....draw on the wall!"  I cannot believe this statement came out of my mouth last night to the kids!  We are in the beginning stages of putting up a backsplash in our kitchen (something we skipped in the building process because they didn't offer what we wanted).  I loved letting the kids draw on the wall ~ it reminded me of a final episode of a tv show I watched when I was little (Growing Pains).  The parents were moving out of their home they had lived in for 20 years. As they were walking out the front door for the last time, noticed a picture left on the mantel.  Behind it written on the wall said, "Mike was here!"  I don't know just never left my mind!  So I love that we are leaving a little something on our walls to maybe be discovered again someday!