Tuesday, December 25, 2012

{It's the Most Wonderfull} Time of the Year!

We had a great Christmas!  This year we let the kids open 1 present on Christmas Eve, it was new pajamas!  I know this is a tradition for most, but we have never done it!  We usually make the kids shower, get all dressed and then go down to see if Santa came.  This year Bexley woke up 1st, came in our room and snuggled while we waited for Camden to get up!  Once he did, we went downstairs!  Santa brought them both new mini tablets!  They both played on their new gift for an hour, then finally asked if they could open their other presents!!!  We had a great day with doing nothing, but playing with our new stuff (me too with my new Mario Wii game)!  Merry Christmas!

Opening a presnt on Christmas Eve of pj's and a Santa glowstick to sleep with!
Our departure letter from Elfie!  We miss him already!!!

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