Sunday, December 30, 2012

{The Cole Fam} Top 10 for 2012!

1.  Starting Kindergarten!  (This moment is so BIG it made our #1 spot!)

2.  Starting a new preschool for Bexley (Camden's Old Preschool)!


4.  Celebrating 1 year mark at our house!

5.  Ballet/Tap Recital for Bexley

6.  Riding Bike without Stabilizers (training wheels)

7.  Loosing Camden's 1st Tooth!

8.  IceSkating

9.  Gangnam Style Dancing...yes it's one of our big moments of 2012!

10.  Beach Trips this year!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

{It's the Most Wonderfull} Time of the Year!

We had a great Christmas!  This year we let the kids open 1 present on Christmas Eve, it was new pajamas!  I know this is a tradition for most, but we have never done it!  We usually make the kids shower, get all dressed and then go down to see if Santa came.  This year Bexley woke up 1st, came in our room and snuggled while we waited for Camden to get up!  Once he did, we went downstairs!  Santa brought them both new mini tablets!  They both played on their new gift for an hour, then finally asked if they could open their other presents!!!  We had a great day with doing nothing, but playing with our new stuff (me too with my new Mario Wii game)!  Merry Christmas!

Opening a presnt on Christmas Eve of pj's and a Santa glowstick to sleep with!
Our departure letter from Elfie!  We miss him already!!!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

{Skype-ing At Christmastime} with Iowa Family

The holidays are super tough for me...I want everyone at our house un-wrapping presents, eating Christmas Brunch, and listening to Christmas music, reminiscing about their favorite memory this time of year!  Since it's just not possible, I'll take what we can get and L.O.V.E every minute of it as if we were all together!  Skype is our new most favorite thing to do, especially with Grandpa Al and Grandma Sherry in Iowa.  Instead of just sending presents like they have done in the past, they are able to see Cam + Bex open them ~ see their reaction ~ and enjoy their excitement as if they were here!!!  Tonight we were able to Skype while my brother and sweet nephew were at home with my mom & dad.  My kids just love this, as do I!  A "Hurst" tradition is opening presents on Christmas Eve (one I love because we get to see our presents 1 night/morning before most of our friends!)  Here are some super sweet moments of our Christmas Eve night!

{Elfie's Last Week} at our home!

It's Elfie's last week at our home!  We sure are going to miss all the fun he has given us!  Here are some over the last week or so!

Making marshmallow snowmen!

Snowball fight with Batman!

Hiding in the snowballs!

Playing with toothpaste ~ Camden wasn't a fan of this...another mess.  He tried to clean the sink up before school one morning! (Sorry for the bad photo ~ taken at night)

Sticker FUN!!!

TP'in fun!

'Fishin' In The Dark' by Elfie!

Counting down the days until Christmas!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

{Bexley's 1st Christmas} Program

Bexley had the cutest Christmas program at preschool on Wednesday!  They sang 5 songs...well everyone, but our child sang 5 songs!  Little Miss Bashful was front and center ready to sing her heart out, but sang not one note!  We thought after her ballet recital incident she would be prepared and not scared.  She was still super cute and we got our own Bexley Christmas Program in the car on the way home!

Our expression pretty much the whole time!

...and once we were able to sit down, we played with our socks!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

{Ice Skating} Downtown

We had the best night yet this Christmas season...if you ask Camden and me!  We have tried twice now to go downtown to the outdoor ice skating rink, but we were determined to do it tonight!  It was Camden's 1st time ice skating and he did really great!  Bexley is still a little young to go, so she sat this time out!  Camden loved it so much ~ he can't wait to go back and test out his new skill!  He said to me, "Mommy, I think I'm ready to start playing hocky now!"  We'll see about that one!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

{Bexley's Dance} Recital

Bexley had her oh-so-cute 1st ballet/tap dance recital. She was so excited!!!  Scott and I couldn't believe it, because in front of a lot of people Bexley gets pretty shy.  We were right...

This is pretty much how Bexley stood for the 1st two songs...until her dance teacher bribed her with a candy cane!

A very proud Mommy & Daddy!

Checking out the videos of our dance!


Thursday, December 13, 2012

{Elfie} Sightings

Elfie has been busy playing tricks and hiding in secret places in our home!  Here are some of the latest!

Elfie taking a marshmallow bubble bath in Bexley's dollhouse!
Brrr...Elfie must be hungry!
Making snowflakes!
Sitting on the dining room table!
Strumming the guitar to a Christmas song!

Hiding in our basket of Christmas ornaments!


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

{Gingerbread House Decorating} Party

I saw the cutest idea for a Gingerbread House Decorating Party and just got it in my mind that I HAD to do one!  Last year was the 1st time we decorated a gingerbread house and the kids loved it ~ so this year we decided to invite our friends!!! 

The Invite!