Monday, November 26, 2012

{The Best Birthday} Gift!

(I always get up at 530am every morning...even on weekends, just to have a little time to myself before the day starts.  Even on my birthday!  This morning I got my coffee ready, opened my email and read this....)

To celebrate Holly's birthday this year, I wanted to write a blog post as a gift to her. She is still as graceful and beautiful as the day we met and I feel very lucky to have her as my wife and the mother of our children. Although I sometimes dread seeing the Nikon D5000 camera come out - I do really appreciate having pictures to remember all the things we do together as a family. She is a very talented photographer and does a marvelous job with our blog. She is the CEO of our household, mother, chef, classroom mom (for both kids) and a wonderful wife. Happy birthday Holly, I love you!

(What a fun surprise!  Isn't he the greatest!  It is a great gift to hear all of those sweet words and by the way...for my birthday he's going to make out the Family Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner Menu for the whole week, something I alwasy dread when Monday comes along!  Such a great birthday already and no one is even up yet!)

Camden's hand drawn birthday card!

Bexley's hand drawn card with exact words from her written by Scott

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