Friday, November 23, 2012

{Thanksgiving} Day & Traditions

We were lucky enough to be able to spend Thanksgiving in the mountains again this year!  We love Echota on the Ridge (the condos we've been staying at the last 4 years)!!!  It's so beautiful and there are so many things to do!  This Thanksgiving was no different.  We ate a HUGE Thanksgiving dinner, went for a hike and then....picked out our CHRISTMAS TREE!!!  One of our favorite traditions!  We pulled up to Hensen Farms (the tree supplier of the Cole Fam for the last 4 years) and we were in for a shock....there were no trees and there was a road built leading up to new college apartments!  I felt like crying!  What in the world was going on?  Where were our cute little guys to cut down our tree?  And what were we going to do?  There are a ba-jillion tree farms in the area, but we wanted Hensen Farms!  We drove down the road and found another tree farm.  Feeling a little deflated, I was willing to give this farm a chance.  I canNOT believe what we came across ~  100 perfect trees!  And get this...a 14' tree for $40!  This lifted my spirits IMMEDIATELY!!!  Just a few minutes before I thought no other farm was going to compare and this new one blew me away!  I hope next year we will pull up to our newest tree farm and find another perfect tree and not a new apartment complex!!!  What a great Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving snuggles!

Gumdrop Turkeys!!!
Camden's Thanksgiving placemat activity!
Getting ready for our hike!

"Found a good one Mommy!"

Our "perfect" tree on the left!

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