Saturday, December 24, 2016

{Elfie} 2016

Our elf came to visit once again this Christmas. He must have been busy helping Santa because he didn't get here until two weeks after Thanksgiving! He kept us busy by hiding in various places like the chandelier, the car, the tree and in the fridge. Here are some more spots we found him!

He sent us on a hunt to find candy canes that Mrs. Claus made, dressed as Christiane Ronaldo (one of Camden's soccer players he likes), sent us reindeer food to spread the night before Christmas and even played PieFace! Our favorite though is on his last day here he was zip lining in the kitchen. He also sent a note saying that he would be leaving with Santa that night so he didn't need his magic. He gave the kids permission to hug and kiss him goodbye. Sweet Bexley didn't even let go the whole day. She had him playing Barbies, babies, and introducing him to her American Dolls. I'm sure Elfie was wore out that night! We can't wait until he visits next Christmas!

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