Saturday, December 31, 2016

{New Year's Eve} Kid Style!

Happy New Year's Eve! This year we had a kids party (just us four) at our house! We normally stay home and are in bed by 930, not this year. We agreed to let the kids try and stay up until midnight and ring in the new year! We really thought that they wouldn't make it (hoping was more like it, since we can barely keep our eyes open past 10pm). Bexley has always been the child that loves her sleep. If she happens to be up past her bedtime, she will make sure to tell us she needs to go to bed. Now Camden, we knew he would make it! They surprised us and both stayed awake until midnight ~ I on the other hand had to take a nap from 1030-1115pm!

We had so much fun! We had a photo booth, played board games, drank out of fancy glasses and wrote what some of our favorites were in 2016! Every hour had a different activity for us to do.

7pm New Year's Eve BINGO
8pm Monopoly
9pm Time Capsule (filling out a questionnaire of our favorites from 2016)
10pm Bottle Flipping Challenge (Camden's fav)
11pm Watch NYE show

Happy 2017! This is going to be the best year yet!

What's up?

1st envelope of the night ~NYE BINGO!

Writing for our 2016 Time Capsule

10pm so excited for the Bottle Flip Challenge

Friday, December 30, 2016

{Ice Skating} Downtown!

Ice skating downtown at Christmas time is one of our favorite traditions! The boys went to see a movie so Bex and I went ice skating! She did so well!!! She didn't need to hold my hand at all ~ I was so proud of her! This is quite the change from years before. We had a great Mom/Daughter date and ended it with coffee and hot cocoa!

Sunday, December 25, 2016

{Christmas Morning} 2016!

We must have been on the nice list this year, because Santa was here...and he didn't disappoint! He brought Bexley a new bike and Camden a Nerf Blaster half the size of his body! The kiddos really enjoyed opening their presents. It took them about 15 minutes to open the 2nd one because they were too busy inspecting their Santa gift! Merry Christmas!

Cookies and milk for Santa!
Now, we feel very lucky to have scored one of the most soughtout 2016 Toys of the Year for Bexley! If she only got one gift this Christmas, this was it. We told her to pretty much not plan on getting it because they were so hard to find. Two days before Christmas, we were able to get one! Look at that smile!
As if Christmas and life couldn't get any better, this last present to be opened made Camden's day~week~month. His favorite soccer player and in his favorite color ~ hot pink!
Christmas lunch menu!

Saturday, December 24, 2016

{Elfie} 2016

Our elf came to visit once again this Christmas. He must have been busy helping Santa because he didn't get here until two weeks after Thanksgiving! He kept us busy by hiding in various places like the chandelier, the car, the tree and in the fridge. Here are some more spots we found him!

He sent us on a hunt to find candy canes that Mrs. Claus made, dressed as Christiane Ronaldo (one of Camden's soccer players he likes), sent us reindeer food to spread the night before Christmas and even played PieFace! Our favorite though is on his last day here he was zip lining in the kitchen. He also sent a note saying that he would be leaving with Santa that night so he didn't need his magic. He gave the kids permission to hug and kiss him goodbye. Sweet Bexley didn't even let go the whole day. She had him playing Barbies, babies, and introducing him to her American Dolls. I'm sure Elfie was wore out that night! We can't wait until he visits next Christmas!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Thursday, December 15, 2016

{Meet The Tarheels} Autograph Signing!

The kids have a membership to the Carolina Kids Club. They have various activities throughout the year and are given some really fun stuff. Tonight we were invited to watch a Tarheels practice and when they were done the kids got to run on the court and get autographs from the players! We stopped at the campus book store and bought something for the kids for the players to sign. Once the kids got on the court, Scott was coaching them from the stands (parents weren't allowed on the court). We were so proud that they were able to get every coach and players signatures! They had so much fun! Definitely worth it to see how happy they were afterwards!

Sunday, December 11, 2016

{Soccer Tournament}

This weekend we were in Fayetteville, NC for a soccer tourney. The boys did great and made it to the finals. Unfortunately, they didn't win. They were super bummed, but they played their little hearts out! They did get a medal and the team got a trophy (that always makes everything better, right)? Go Benefica!

Monday, October 31, 2016

{Happy Halloween}

Happy Halloween! What a great night for Trick or Treating! Camden's goal was of course to hit every house in our neighborhood (which he ended up being successful at) and Bexley just wanted to show off her costume (and wig)! They had so much fun and were so exhausted by time it was all done. Another great Halloween in the books!

Human Ariel (Little Mermaid) and Mummy Doctor

Girls vs Boys...Yep, that's our son!

{Halloween} Dinner!

Every Halloween before we go Trick or Treating we always fill up on a scary dinner. On the menu this year was mummy meatloaf (a fav of Camden's), ghost mashed potatoes, and a skeleton (we've named him Eddie) filled with veggie guts. This always is so much fun for the family! Got to fill up on dinner before we fill up on candy!

Sunday, October 30, 2016

{Pumpkin Carving} Fun!

Pumpkin carving is always so much fun! It's especially fun for Scott and I now that the kids can design, cut and de-gut their own pumpkins! Ha! Even after doing this for years, you still hear the kiddos saying, "Ewww! Gross!" Makes us laugh e.v.e.r.y.t.i.m.e!

Saturday, October 22, 2016

{Emerald Isle Beach}

Camden had a few soccer games near the beach this weekend. When near the beach, you go to the matter what the weather is like! My mom was in town, so what a nice way to end her trip by stopping by the beach! We went out in the morning, but it was really windy and cold. We decided to come back at lunch time before Camden's games started. What luck! It was still a little windy, but warm enough to get in some beach time. The beach is always so much fun and this time was no different! We will miss you Emerald Isle!

Morning walk on the beach!
She used to dance on the beach and in the we do cartwheels!
Building sandcastles with Grandma!
This was the only water we were getting in! That ocean was COLD!
Beach lunches are the best!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

{Halloween House} Decorating!

A tradition we have every Halloween season is to decorate a Halloween House (think gingerbread house)! The kids love it and look forward to it every time! This year instead of one house we did a whole village! Check out their creations!

Saturday, September 10, 2016

{Bexley's Birthday} American Girl!

We celebrated Bexley's birthday at the American Girl Doll store in Charlotte over the weekend! She wanted a sleepover in a hotel and to eat at the café in the AG store. We invited some close friends to join us at the hotel and then the next day we were off to eat, celebrate and shop! Instead of more American Doll stuff, Bexley opted to get her dolls ears pierced...just like she had done! Matching! Ha! We then were able to get a private room to celebrate her birthday! She loved every minute of it! Happy 7th birthday, sweet girl!

Friday, September 9, 2016

{Happy 7th Birthday} Bexley!

Happy birthday to our sweet, little Bexley! Such a fun loving, creative and kind child! We love her to pieces! She started her day with seven balloons filled with dollar bills from the Birthday Balloon Fairy. Had her favorite breakfast and then got to celebrate her day at school! What a great day!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

{1st Day of School} 2016-2017

Today was the first day of school for our kiddos! Bexley started 1st grade and Camden in 4th! It's going to be a great year I can already tell! They were so excited to see their friends again and dive right back into studying! Can't wait to hear about their first day back!

Sunday, August 28, 2016

{Carolina Soccer}

The night before school starts, Scott and I had a great parenting moment...why don't we take the kids to the UNC Soccer game. You know, the kids get to stay up late and guzzle down sugary drinks while we watch some soccer!  What a great way to end the summer! The kids loved it and were so disappointed when we had to leave. We can't wait to go back! Hoping tomorrow they will be alert for school ~ who does much on the 1st day of school, right?