Saturday, September 12, 2015

{Happy Birthday, Bexley} La Farm Party!

Bexley loves to "help" while I'm cooking dinner, well actually, she wants to help with everything I'm doing. So it made sense that she wanted to have a baking party! Luckily, our favorite breakfast spot and bakery had a birthday party option. When she heard that the bakery had a party where you bake "turtle bread" and cookies ~ she was in! I'm so glad she did, because she had SO much fun and it turned out to be a very fun party...much better than another princess party, if you ask me! Here is the fun!

Our sweet friends!

Dessert table

Baking with flour on our face and turtle bread, of course!
Our sweet Kindergarten teacher even precious is that! Look how happy Bex is!
Dad helping roll the Snail bread!
Camden didn't want to participate until the cookies came out! Ha!
This, to me, is the most.precious.pic.ever! They had the girls stand on flour sacks so they could reach the table!
Anxiously awaiting their creations at the oven!
Birthday cupcakes!

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