Friday, August 28, 2015

{Bexley Goes To} Kindergarten!

I can't believe the time has come for our little girl to be in Kindergarten! She is so ready and so excited to be a big kid! We feel SO lucky that we were able to get the teacher Camden had in Kindergarten (we just love her)! It also made the transition for Bexley a lot easier knowing she knew the teacher! I am going to miss my little sidekick during the day, but am so excited for all that she is going to learn! It's going to be a great year!!!

Sitting at our new desk,! This desk is very special...our thoughtful teacher sat us at the same exact desk Camden sat in on his 1st day of Kindergarten! How sweet!
Teacher gifts! School Supplies Cake and gumballs made to look like apples!
The sweet Ms. Rushin!
...and as if Kindergarten couldn't get any better, we have a friend from Preschool in our class!

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