Friday, August 28, 2015

{Bexley Goes To} Kindergarten!

I can't believe the time has come for our little girl to be in Kindergarten! She is so ready and so excited to be a big kid! We feel SO lucky that we were able to get the teacher Camden had in Kindergarten (we just love her)! It also made the transition for Bexley a lot easier knowing she knew the teacher! I am going to miss my little sidekick during the day, but am so excited for all that she is going to learn! It's going to be a great year!!!

Sitting at our new desk,! This desk is very special...our thoughtful teacher sat us at the same exact desk Camden sat in on his 1st day of Kindergarten! How sweet!
Teacher gifts! School Supplies Cake and gumballs made to look like apples!
The sweet Ms. Rushin!
...and as if Kindergarten couldn't get any better, we have a friend from Preschool in our class!

Monday, August 24, 2015

{Back To School} Pics!

Another tradition that we do every school year are Back To School pictures! I love this, however, the kids have to be bribed to get the pictures I want! Ha! Here are our little cuties looking studious!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

{Back to School} Party!

Every year, the night before school starts, we have a small Back To School Party! The kids love this and I love planning it! Here's to the 2015-16 school year!!!

Saturday, August 15, 2015

{Camden's First 5K} Color Run!

Camden is my little runner partner and has been begging me to do a 5K with him! Our friends found a fun Color Run for us to do together! While you run, you get blasted with color packs turning you very...colorful! It was a blast and we were definitley colorful when we crossed the finish line!


Sunday, August 2, 2015

{Birthday Boating} In Pinehurst

Pinehurst is kind of Scott and my go-to get away place! We have never taken the kids overnight there. It was so much fun to hang out at the pool all day and do things we don't normally do in Pinehurst. We found out about Lake Pinehurst and rented a boat! The kids loved driving it around. What a fun thing (and not something we ever do) on a birthday weekend!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

{Happy 40th Birthday} Scott!

Scott celebrated his 40th birthday today! What a big birthday!!! Scott has to be in Pinehurst for the week, so we decided to go the weekend before he had to work. We have never been to Pinehurst with the kids, so it was fun to experience it with them. We hope you had the best birthday, Scott! We love you!