Sunday, January 18, 2015

{Snowboarding} In Boone, NC!

(I just think it's so funny that we visit Boone, North Carolina since I'm from Boone, IOWA! Anyway...getting to the post about our Snowboarding trip!)

When our friends (and neighbors) asked us to go to Boone on a Skiing Trip we were all beyond excited! We go to the mountains every Thanksgiving, but have never skied before. Scott has been on many trips (mainly out West), but the rest of us have not! Scott was all on board with teaching Camden how to snowboard! We were just able to snowboard one day, but it was enough for Camden to learn it and want to do it in next month! We had a great time watching them while we drank hot cocoa at the lodge! Maybe next time Bexley and I will get to learn!

Taking a break from Snowboard School!

Our friends getting in a little practice!

See that HUGE slope in the middle...yeah, the dad's took the kids down that hill to practice! Ha!

1 comment:

  1. I tried snowboarding once during a school trip. My knees and butt had bruises for days! I would love to get better at it. But I do prefer & enjoy skiing since you have more warning if you are about to fall. :)
