Monday, December 28, 2015

{Ice Skating} Downtown Raleigh

Every year we go to the downtown ice skating rink. This is always a big hit with the kids! Camden does really well. Bexley always needs my help at 1st, but this year she got the hang of it quickly! We had so much fun and we love that Raleigh offers this in December! Always a fun tradition of ours!!!

Friday, December 25, 2015

{Christmas Morning}

We had such a great Christmas morning! Santa was so good to us this year! The kiddos had fun playing with all of their new stuff all weekend long! My parents came in from Iowa which was a big treat for us AND my brother was able to visit us the next day! Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

{Elfie} This Christmas!

Elfie was at it again this year at our house! I wasn't the best about taking pics at all of the spots he was in, but the kids loved having him back this year! Here are some of his cutest moments!!!

Teacher Elfie

Chef Elfie

Elfie rode in the car with us!
Elfie fell off of our reindeer statue and was injured. He had to spend the day in bed!

Brrr...luckily he didn't eat all of our food!
Darth Vader Elfie
Candy Cane hunt!

Monday, December 21, 2015

{Bexley Tooth #6} Gone!

Bexley finally lost her other top tooth! It was so loose and on the way home from the Cole Family Christmas she yanked it out in the car!....Then she lost the tooth in the car twice! Luckily, we found it! Another Tooth Fairy visit in the books!
See the yellowing bruise under her eye ~ collision at P.E.! I just can't get over her cuteness!

Sunday, December 20, 2015

{Christmas Time} Neighbor Gift

It's that time of year again...NEIGHBOR GIFTS! I thought this was SO cute, so I did it!

Sunday, December 13, 2015

{Christmas Time} Gingerbread House Buidling

Gingerbread House building is SO much fun for the kids! This year I opted for the chocolate one instead of the gingerbread one. The kids did such a good job! Best house yet!!!

I did face paint this year...totally kidding. She was at a birthday party before! Ha!
Eating more than decorating!

Hard at work!
Final product!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

{Elfie} Returns!

He's back!!! Normally he comes back spelling out "I'm back" in M&M's, but this year I guess he decided to do things a little differently!

Sunday, November 29, 2015

{Hilton Head Island) Charleston Take 2

After we had our cookie class, we had lunch. Of course I had to snap some pics of the kids along the way. Charleston has SO many little nooks that are beautiful! I am now officially obsessed with doorways!

Saturday, November 28, 2015

{Hilton Head Island} Charleston Cooks

Scott found the perfect activity on our last day ~ Cookie Decorating Class at our favorite kitchen shop in Charleston! The kids had a blast learning about the history of the gingerbread cookie, participating and decorating! The bakers asked what was their favorite thing about baking and Camden responded, "Well, I like to smoke meat...not really bake." He was totally serious, it was so funny! Never a dull moment with these kiddos!

Friday, November 27, 2015

{Hilton Head Island} Drive In Movie

We discovered a little treat on our drive to Charleston on the 2nd day...a Drive In Movie Theater! Scott and I thought that would be a super fun surprise for the kids on Friday night. So we got our blanket and pillows, ordered pizza and brought popcorn. Planning on making a little bed in the back of the car and watching the movie! When we arrived we found out that the kids screen where they were playing 'The Good Dinosaur' was broken! After driving an hour to get to the movie and wanting the kids to see their 1st drive in movie, we were desperate. We settled for the adult movie 'The Hunger Games' (don't judge). Camden loved it and Bexley fell asleep after 30 min, but we had SO much fun! As we were going to leave, our battery on the car drained so we had to get a jump from some locals. What a rememberable night that we will never forget!

{Hilton Head Island} Santa

While in Hilton Head we were able to see Santa! He didn't arrive by sleigh...helicopter and then firetruck! Bexley was just in awe about this saying, "I knew he didn't really use a sleigh! He's so crazy!"

{Hilton Head Island} Sea Pines Lighthouse

8 years ago we visited Hilton Head for my 30th birthday. Camden was so little and we climbed the lighthouse (see the pic HERE). We loved it so much that it was a must-do for this trip also! The kids really liked it, although Bexley was more interested in the gift shop with the stuffed animals. Here are some pics from our adventure and the ever-so-famous 18th hole at Harbour Town!

Thursday, November 26, 2015

{Hilton Head Island} Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving! We have so much to be thankful for! We having been having so much fun in Hilton Head. Today was really relaxing starting with a walk on the beach! Then we had lunch by the pool, relaxed and our Thanksgiving dinner! What a great Thanksgiving!