Saturday, November 29, 2014

{Sledding} In The Mountains!

Every year when it gets closer to Thanksgiving and I'm planning our trip out, I secretly hope it snows while we are there! One Thanksgiving we took a hike on a trail near the condo and we barely needed our coats ~ just didn't feel like it was Thanksgiving or that we were even in the mountains!

Last year, we barely made it up the mountain to the condo because of a blizzard (not really, but it was pretty snowy/icy). This year the forecast kept changing. The first day we were there, it didn't really snow, but the next day it snowed ALL day/night!!! We got out our sleds and had some fun!

Bundled up and ready to go!

Listening to Scott give tips on how to go faster as he is at the bottom of the hill! "What, Dad?!?"
I am slowly learning that Bexley is going to be a little Southern girl...she can't handle to cold/wind for too long! I have to say though, when I took this pic I was also feeling the same way! It was windy!!!
Brrr....but having too much fun to go in!

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