Saturday, November 29, 2014

{Sledding} In The Mountains!

Every year when it gets closer to Thanksgiving and I'm planning our trip out, I secretly hope it snows while we are there! One Thanksgiving we took a hike on a trail near the condo and we barely needed our coats ~ just didn't feel like it was Thanksgiving or that we were even in the mountains!

Last year, we barely made it up the mountain to the condo because of a blizzard (not really, but it was pretty snowy/icy). This year the forecast kept changing. The first day we were there, it didn't really snow, but the next day it snowed ALL day/night!!! We got out our sleds and had some fun!

Bundled up and ready to go!

Listening to Scott give tips on how to go faster as he is at the bottom of the hill! "What, Dad?!?"
I am slowly learning that Bexley is going to be a little Southern girl...she can't handle to cold/wind for too long! I have to say though, when I took this pic I was also feeling the same way! It was windy!!!
Brrr....but having too much fun to go in!

{Our Thanksgiving} Tradition

We have a Thanksgiving tradition every year of spending a few days in the mountains! We love it in the mountains because 1) It's so peaceful and beautiful! 2) Our cell phones do NOT work in the condo, so it is ALL family time when we are there! 3) Thanksgiving usually falls around my birthday so I get a vacation on my birthday...every year!

This year wasn't any different! We relaxed, we played board games, and we had our traditional Thanksgiving dinner. We feel so lucky to be able to do a trip like this every year and are so blessed with great family and friends! Happy Thanksgiving!

I didn't realize this until I started editing our pics...I guess our family likes the food photo props!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

{My Wife's Birthday}

The kids and I would like to wish a special {Happy Birthday} to my wife Holly.  She spends so much of her time behind the camera documenting all of our family adventures, we often forget to feature her from time to time.  She is an amazing wife and wonderful mother.  We love you Sweetheart!  Happy Birthday!

Monday, November 24, 2014

{Preschool Thanksgiving Feast} Bexley

One of my favorite things about the 4yr old class at preschool is the Thanksgiving Feast (I mean...all of the little things they do are super adorable, but this one is REALLY super adorable)! They sing a Thanksgiving song, do a Thanksgiving prayer and then we eat! Usually it's just desserts, but this year they had it all! We are so thankful for our preschool, our preschool friends and especially our preschool teachers! Happy Thanksgiving!!!

BFF Leighton with Bexley!
The girls with their super sweet teacher, Ms. T!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

{Thankful} Pumpkin

For the month of November, every year, we write what we are thankful for daily. The last few years we wrote on leaves and placed them on a tree. This year we wrote on a pumpkin (had to get a fancy one, because after Oct 31 it is impossible to find just a plain pumpkin)! I love that the kids can write their own, because it just looks so much cuter with their little handwriting! Here is our Thankful Pumpkin for Thanksgiving!!!

Monday, November 17, 2014

{Happy New Job} Dinner

If you haven't heard, Scott has accepted a new job with BASF back on the Golf & Pest Control side of the business! We are so proud of him! We decided to celebrate his 1st official day with a dinner tonight! We made his favorite foods (well Honey Baked Ham made his main course, but I made the rest of them) and picked up a special cake! Happy New Job, Scott!!!

The kids thought it would be nice to dress up (all their own idea) for our special guest!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

{Happy Veteran's Day}

I am so lucky to get to volunteer at Camden's school! Today when I was walking to his classroom I saw the cutest Veteran's Day activity they did for the school's Veteran's Day Celebration! It was too special NOT to share!!! Happy Veteran's Day(...especially to you, Dad)!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

{Hallween Parties} 2014

Scott and I had 3 Halloween Parties (no kiddos allowed) to go to this year ~ all different weekends! By time we got around to the last one, we were exhausted with Halloween! We can definitely say we got our money's worth on our costumes this year! Happy Halloween!!!