Saturday, August 2, 2014

{Scott's Birthday}

I think Scott had a successful birthday this year!  We planned his favorite for breakfast (with candles, of course) and gave him his presents!  After work we celebrated at the Raleigh famous, Angus Barn.  The restaurant was good, but it was great with the kids!  When they caught wind that it was Scott's birthday, our server took the kiddos in the kitchen and let them decorate a birthday cake for SCOTT!  I think the kids put ALL the toppings offered!  Ha!  His cake had frosting, whip cream, M&M's AND Skittles (made it fun when you thought you were eating an M&M and got the other) and a bunch of other toppings!  I think they will be talking about this F.O.R.E.V.E.R!  When we left Bexley said, "THIS is where I want to go on my birthday!"  Happy Birthday, Scott!  We love you!

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