Thursday, February 13, 2014

{Snow Day} Part III

Ugh, we are really starting to feel like we live in the Midwest!  Our 3rd round of snow in 3 weeks!  The kids have been out of school a few days each week!  They love the snow, but I am starting to run out of fun snow ideas & food to do!  Ha!  This storm was a lot different than the others...we had 4", then ice, then more snow!  Bring on Spring!

Watching the snow come down!

Scott and I about to sled down the driveway!
Karate choppin' the ice!
In the South "Snow Cream" is the thing to we tried it.  Let's just say, it did taste like ice cream, but the kids didn't eat it all!!!
After dinner we drove around to look at all the snow and when we got back home we did a little night sledding!

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