Thursday, February 13, 2014

{Snow Day} Part III

Ugh, we are really starting to feel like we live in the Midwest!  Our 3rd round of snow in 3 weeks!  The kids have been out of school a few days each week!  They love the snow, but I am starting to run out of fun snow ideas & food to do!  Ha!  This storm was a lot different than the others...we had 4", then ice, then more snow!  Bring on Spring!

Watching the snow come down!

Scott and I about to sled down the driveway!
Karate choppin' the ice!
In the South "Snow Cream" is the thing to we tried it.  Let's just say, it did taste like ice cream, but the kids didn't eat it all!!!
After dinner we drove around to look at all the snow and when we got back home we did a little night sledding!

{Valentines for Our Friends}

Here are our Valentine's for friends, teachers and babysitters!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

{Valentine's Day} Activity

Starting on February 1st we have a countdown to Valentine's Day!  Each day has a different activity such as color a Valentine's Day picture, make Valentine's Day cookies, or read a Valentine's Day book.  Today's activity was a Valentine's Day craft.  We made bubble gum necklaces!  I didn't think it would be as hard as it looked, but getting the string through the gumball and back out consisted of a needle (not too kid friendly) and a needle nose pliers (again...not too kid friendly).  We made it through and the kids' loved it!  I have to say, if it wasn't so much work I would have made one for myself!!!

Monday, February 10, 2014

{House Tour} Valentine Decor

February is a super busy month for us especially this year!  I didn't do much decorating around the house, but here's a look at what I did do!

Our daily countdown ~ a Valentine's Activity everyday!
Hershey's Kisses Countdown ~ who wouldn't want a chocolate EVERYDAY to help you remember how many more days until Love Day!  The kids love this!

Saturday, February 8, 2014


Last week I did a Juice Cleanse.  Although I had a headache for the 1st two days, I felt great after my body got rid of the toxins.  It really inspired Scott and I.  He even agreed to do the morning and dinner drink with me ~ which helped A LOT!  The hardest part of the cleanse was making the kids' meals and not getting my morning coffee!  Thursday Scott asked me if I wanted to "juice" all weekend!  So here we are all weekend, drinking our meals!  Now, if we could just get the kids to drink an OJ with a carrot in it!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

{Report Card Time}

Proud parent card time!  We continue to be super proud of how hard Camden works at school!  We are so lucky to have a smart little cookie on our hands!  "STELLAR" job, Camden!

And in case you are wondering...he totally gets his brains from me!  Ha!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

{Snowman} By Bexley and Holly Cole

While Camden was riding to his bike to a friend's house 100 miles away at a play date, I noticed the afternoon was perfect for a snowman!  What a perfect thing to do to get Bexley's mind off her not having a play date too!  This was Bexley's 1st snowman EVER so she was beyond excited!!!  After making our big snowman, she wanted to make a family and by SHE  I mean ME!  Ha!  We had a great time and I think now every time it snows, she is defiantly going to ask if she can make a snowman...I mean snow-woman!  (She wanted to name her after the director at our pre-school!  So cute!)

Saturday, February 1, 2014

{Letting Go}...Slowly.

I never imagined something so little being so big...and so hard at the same time!  Today, Camden had a play date with one of his friends in the neighborhood.  He asked, "Mommy, can I ride my bike to his myself?"  I wanted to scream, "ARE YOU CRAZY?!?  YOU WOULD HAVE TO RIDE 3 BLOCKS, DOWN A HILL, AND CROSS A NON-BUSY ROAD...ALL WITHOUT ME WATCHING YOU!"  I let him do it.  It was hard.  And while he was riding away a tear rolled down my cheek as if he just left for college.  When he got home from his play date I said, "That must have been pretty cool getting to ride all by yourself to your friends house today!"  He simply said, "No, was AWESOME!"