Sunday, January 19, 2014

{Camping & Manicure} Dates

Camden was given a tent for his birthday and has been begging Scott to go camping in it.  He loved it so much that he slept in it...on the floor...for 2 nights in a row.  It hasn't been cold here, but it hasn't exactly been camping weather either!  Scott decided to take him the weekend that the low was 19 degrees.  Camden was ecstatic!  Anyway, I thought Bexley and I could come out there until the gates closed, but I was informed...NO GIRLS ALLOWED!  When I asked Scott to take lots of pics while they were camping, I got an, "Are you being serious?" with a slight eye roll.  Anyhow, I think despite the cold weather, they had a blast and Camden can't wait to go again!!!

Oh, and while the boys were roughin' it in the woods (...well, I guess I wouldn't call Jordan Lake roughin' it) us girls were getting the nice, comfortable, warm indoors!

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