Wednesday, January 29, 2014

{Snow Day} Part II

Finally, we got some REAL snow!  Just a week after the last "snow" we got the fluffy stuff!  The kids both woke up saying something about the snow being outside!!!  I am so happy for them that they got to play in it!

Snowman theme food for the day!  Pancakes, donuts and pizza for dinner!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

{Snow Day}

We got snow overnight!  Luckily, when it started the kids were still up and were able to go out in it!  Once morning came we couldn't wait to see how much had fallen!  As soon as the sun came up we were out the door to play in it!  I know we don't get nearly the amount our family in the Midwest gets, but we really appreciate ANY amount we get here!  I can't imagine their faces if we ever got more than an inch!

Snow Angels!
Our sweet neighbors  were out too!
Hot cocoa!
Once we came inside, Camden drew a picture of us three (Scott was in Germany) playing in the snow!  Love that he drew "fashion boots" on us!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

{Camping & Manicure} Dates

Camden was given a tent for his birthday and has been begging Scott to go camping in it.  He loved it so much that he slept in it...on the floor...for 2 nights in a row.  It hasn't been cold here, but it hasn't exactly been camping weather either!  Scott decided to take him the weekend that the low was 19 degrees.  Camden was ecstatic!  Anyway, I thought Bexley and I could come out there until the gates closed, but I was informed...NO GIRLS ALLOWED!  When I asked Scott to take lots of pics while they were camping, I got an, "Are you being serious?" with a slight eye roll.  Anyhow, I think despite the cold weather, they had a blast and Camden can't wait to go again!!!

Oh, and while the boys were roughin' it in the woods (...well, I guess I wouldn't call Jordan Lake roughin' it) us girls were getting the nice, comfortable, warm indoors!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

{Happy 7th Birthday} Camden!

Happy 7th Birthday Camden!!!  Birthdays around this house are a BIG deal.  We celebrate all week long!  Camden asks all year long how many more days until his birthday.  He starts planning his next birthday party the minute his current party is over!  Scott and I noticed this year that he was extra into his birthday.  He would say a week before, "Do you think you could sing 'Happy Birthday' to me today, like a pre-happy birthday!"

So for his party he wanted to go bowling!  I thought it was a cute idea and was getting really excited, however, the bowling center isn't letting me bring in any food and only minimal decorations (Party poopers!  Don't they know that's the 2nd most important thing to a birthday party!  Ha!).

After our bowling party, we came home to relax!  Then we had a little excitement with a Tornado Warning!  Once we turned on the tv to find out what was going on Camden said, "I know they say to remain calm, but I'm kinda freaking out!"

Grandma, Grandpa, Kimberly and Nathan came to end the night with a celebration at our favorite Mexican place...picked by Camden of course!

Another successful birthday...good thing we have 364 more days to think, plan and daydream about it!

Yay!  The Birthday Balloon Fairy showed up!!!
Birthday Pancakes with a special request for a "7" candle!

Birthday guests signing a bowling pin!

Ended the night with a Mexican dinner!  Feliz CumpleaƱos, Camden!

Monday, January 6, 2014

{Y Guides} Earning a Badge

Camden and Scott are in their 1st year of Y Guides (like Boy Scouts).  To earn a badge, one of their projects is to cook a meal for their mom/wife.  This includes shopping for the food, cooking it, and cleaning up afterwards!  If anyone know Scott well, I was treated like a queen!

Menu + Camden's special smiley salad for me!
Scott coaching Camden on cooking!

Friday, January 3, 2014

{New Years Day} Hike

We never really do anything for New Years Eve/New Years Day.  This year we decided to start a family tradition on New Years Eve of taking the kids to a movie and then to dinner!  The kids loved it...well so did Scott and I!  On New Years Day we went to Jordan Lake for a hike and a picnic!

Trail #1 started out really fun, then we ran into a bit of a problem...flooded trail!

Luckily, we were only about 1/2 mile into it so we turned around, found a good spot for a picnic lunch and relaxed!

Next, we found trail #2!

Found the perfect spot to take a snack/dessert break!

And everyone finished our New Years Day Hike with a smile!  What a great way to start 2014!!!