Friday, November 29, 2013

{Cole Christmas Tradition} Picking Out Our Tree!

While in the mountains, our tradition on Thanksgiving is to go to the Christmas tree farms and pick out our Christmas tree!!!  Another great year...aside from Bexley getting sick!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

{Thanksgiving Tradition} Day 1 Part II ~ Elfie is Back!

While we were gone, we had our cameras on Kitty.  Scott went to check to see if Kitty had eaten today and you will not believe who he found...

The kids were so excited that Elfie made it back into our home this holiday!!!  They are so anxious to say hello...and I'm sure be on their best behavior!

{Thanksgiving Tradition} Day 1

Every Thanksgiving our tradition is going to the mountains!  For our little family, it's always exactly how Thanksgiving should, relaxing and being thankful!  This Thanksgiving was exactly that, but we were snowed in at the mountain house!  We usually love having snow while we are here, but you cannot even see the mountain in our "mountain-view".  After relaxing awhile we took the kids outside!  Bexley made it 3 minutes max (guess when they are old enough to start skiing she will be with me in the lodge sippin' hot cocoa!).  Camden, our outdoor-sy child, stayed out until he was told to come in!  Such a perfect start to our Thanksgiving!

Our 1st minute outside!
Our view...there are supposed to be several other mountains in the view, but because of the wind/snow mix it was not visible!

"Mommy, I want to go INSIDE!!!  No more pictures!"

Sunday, November 24, 2013

{Raleigh Christmas} Parade

Since moving to Raleigh, we have always wanted to go to the Christmas parade.  I've heard it is super grand and tons of fun!  I have always missed when is here...probably because it's BEFORE Thanksgiving and I have always looked for it after Thanksgiving!  I always enjoy Thanksgiving because it means that my birthday is coming!!!  YAY!  It confused my mind having a Christmas parade before Thanksgiving and my birthday!  Anyway, the kids LOVED it, we had great seats and we even made it on tv!  (We got seats in front of the local news station ~ where we got to see them broadcasting the parade live!)  What a great way to start the Christmas season off right!

Waiting for the parade to start and watching Channel 5 set up across the street!

Fly over before the parade started ad when it ended ~ very cool!!!

Cotton Candy treat while we watch!!!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

{Thanksgiving Tree} 2013

One of our Thanksgiving traditions is to do the Thanksgiving Thankful Tree.  I love it because I get to hear what the kids are thankful for.  Some answers are the sweet "Mommy & Daddy" and some, which are super important, are "My mermaid costume!"  Whatever they are I love each one of them and the kids love doing it too!

Monday, November 11, 2013

{Happy Veteran's Day!}

Happy Veteran's Day to everyone...especially my dad!  Thank you for your incredible bravery, honor and sacrifices!

Friday, November 1, 2013

{Trick Or Treat} 2013

Awww, our little mermaid and our little ninja!  Costumes, pictures and trick or treating is always so much fun and such a...ummm...treat!

The kids wanted Kitty dressed up!  Isn't he a cute little devil!