Monday, September 9, 2013

{Happy 4th Birthday} Bexley!

We cannot believe Bexley is already 4!!!  Our little baby girl!  It's amazing once they get to 4 years old how much more grown up they seem!  I think today she's used the words "actually, supposedly, and appropiate in the correct manner!  She makes me so proud everyday!  I can't wait to see what she becomes, loves and adores!  Happy Birthday sweetheart!

We started out our day with birthday pancakes!

And the Birthday Balloon Fairy came on our birthday eve ~ what a surprise to wake up to!  Bexley was very excited that she remembered what color of balloons to bring ~ her favorite...PINK!

Since Scott is in Germany ~ we celebrated early with Grandma and Grandpa!  Bexley picked her favorite birthday spot ~ Red Robin!

On Sunday we Skyped with Grandma Sherry and Grandpa Al so they could see us open up presents!

What a great birthday weekend!

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