Tuesday, July 9, 2013

{Taking It Easy} Today!

So far this summer we have not had a normal summer day.  I can't believe that summer is almost half over and we have yet to stay in our pj's all morning or go to the pool when it isn't scheduled or just wake up and not have an errand to run!  Well today was the 1st day that we could do that!  In the 1st hour we have already put together a puzzle...
 had a scavenger hunt...
 read a Star Wars book...
 painted our toes...
 (Side note:  Bexley loves it when we paint our nails and the hairdryer dries her toes then "sneaks up" to blow her hair crazy!  Isn't she the cutest!)
...then took a walk to the park!  Did I mention that we did this all in the 1st hour?!?

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