Sunday, October 31, 2010

{Happy Halloween}

We can't decide which Camden liked better at Halloween this year...getting candy or giving it!  We started out our night trick or treating around the neighborhood.  Camden would run up to the door, ring the bell and then OPEN their door!  Instead of saying "TRICK OR TREAT!" he would check out the candy and say, "I like this one! THANKS!"  Then run back to us.  Even though we had practiced it a lot, he still said what he wanted to say, but hey, at least he had some manners about it!  Our neighbors get together every year in 1 driveway and hand out candy, so after we did our thing we went to the party.  We left Camden in charge of handing out ours.  After the 1st rush of 5 kids, our candy was 1/2 gone!  Camden was handing them 10+ pieces of candy at once!  We overheard him scripting the children on how they ask for candy.  He was telling them, "Say trick or treat!  Now say thank you!"  It was hysterical!  Bexley liked riding around the neighborhood in her ladybug costume and seeing everyone!  We had a great Halloween and have some funny memories to go with it!

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