Sunday, June 9, 2013

{Anniversary Trip} To Roanoke, Virginia

We came to Roanoke for our 1st year Anniversary, so when looking for a place to stay for our 5 year this seemed to be the place we wanted to come back to!  Roanoke is such a great city nestled in the valley of the Smoky Mountains!  It has a lot to do, super great restaurants and the perfect hotel!

We pretty much recreated our 1st year anniversary (minus being preggers with Bexley) by eating dinner Friday night at Metro, then having breakfast the next morning on the terrace!

Then it was off to the Farmer's Market!  Live music, great Kettlecorn and lots of fun locals!

We went to the Valhalla Winery for a picnic lunch and a glass of wine!  The view is amazing up there, but we also had 50+ bugs that wanted to come to the picnic too!

It was such a beautiful day, so after our picnic we went to relax at the pool!

We always love Roanoke and always have a blast there!  It's such a fun place to celebrate an anniversary!  Roanoke is known for the star that lights up at night at the top of the mountain!  So the next day we went up to the star and had breakfast!  They have a webcam (starcam) there, so we took a pic of us at breakfast!   Such a fun anniversary!!!

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