Sunday, June 30, 2013

{Beach Time} Ocean Isle Beach

On the last day of our Girls Trip, Scott and the kids joined us!  The forecast called for rain (as it did everyday we were there), but just like everyday  the weather was beautiful with an one hour rain shower!  We were so glad the kids could get 1 day at the beach!  They just love it there!  I noticed several times Camden sitting outside on the balcony (ocean view) just watching the ocean.  I wish Scott would hurry up and buy that boy a beach house!  ;)

Make a  hole for Bexley to sit in and waited for the waves to fill it up!!!

While on a walk, a friend shared his sea horse that he found ~ then let us hold it!!!!

{Girls Trip} Ocean Isle Beach

My sweet mom, cool Aunt June, and super fun cousins Theresa and Sarah came to North Carolina for the week for a girls trip!  So of course we had to go to Ocean Isle Beach!!!  Despite dodging the rain here and there it is becoming our favorite trip yet!

Day 1 ~ Duplin Winery Tasting, Dinner and Drinks

Day 2 ~ Beach (Beach + Iowa skin's 1st time seeing sun = RED) & Shopping

Day 3 ~ Beach + Bocce Ball and a rooftop restaurant

Day 4 ~ Southport, Icecream and a Ferry ride

Day 5 ~ Morning walk, storm, Sunset Dolphin Cruise and cards

Day 6 ~ Last day!  More beach time!!!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

{Celebrating} Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day, Scott!!!  You truly deserve this day as you are the best dad e.v.e.r!!!  We love you so, so, so much!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

{Last Day of School} Fun!

We had some fun things planned for Camden's last day of Kindergarten!

Balloons in the car!  Then I went to Camden's class for a pizza party and noticed what he wrote in his teacher's yearbook!  It just melted my heart!  He just loves her!!!  It's going to be hard next year when she isn't our teacher!

Monday, June 10, 2013

{Last Day of} Kindergarten

Today was Camden's last day of Kindergarten!  (insert MEGA tears here)  I know everyone says this, but it went by so fast!  I didn't think he changed that much when he was in his last year of preschool, but this year he looks so.much.more.grown.up!  And the car...on the way home he said, "1st I come!"

Sunday, June 9, 2013

{Anniversary Trip} To Roanoke, Virginia

We came to Roanoke for our 1st year Anniversary, so when looking for a place to stay for our 5 year this seemed to be the place we wanted to come back to!  Roanoke is such a great city nestled in the valley of the Smoky Mountains!  It has a lot to do, super great restaurants and the perfect hotel!

We pretty much recreated our 1st year anniversary (minus being preggers with Bexley) by eating dinner Friday night at Metro, then having breakfast the next morning on the terrace!

Then it was off to the Farmer's Market!  Live music, great Kettlecorn and lots of fun locals!

We went to the Valhalla Winery for a picnic lunch and a glass of wine!  The view is amazing up there, but we also had 50+ bugs that wanted to come to the picnic too!

It was such a beautiful day, so after our picnic we went to relax at the pool!

We always love Roanoke and always have a blast there!  It's such a fun place to celebrate an anniversary!  Roanoke is known for the star that lights up at night at the top of the mountain!  So the next day we went up to the star and had breakfast!  They have a webcam (starcam) there, so we took a pic of us at breakfast!   Such a fun anniversary!!!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Sunday, June 2, 2013

{Water Fun} This Weekend!

We had nothing to do all weekend, so we relaxed at home...well some of us did.  Scott installed a HUGE garage storage loft while we played outside!  Here are some fun pics of water balloons, water squirters, and the sprinkler!