Monday, May 27, 2013

{Best Friends Trip} 2013

Last minute Brenda and I decided to take a girls trip to the beach!  She came in a few days early to spend time with my family and then after dropping the kids off at school on Friday we were off to the beach!  Of course our 1st stop on the way there was a winery!!!

Then we got checked into our oceanfront condo, relaxed a bit, and went out to the beach!

That night went out to Isles Restaurant for some dinner and drinks!

The next day shopping and lots more of the above!  We had such a great time, but that happens every time we are together!  Friends since the 9th grade and it's just like that now when we see each other!  Can't wait for our next trip!!!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

{Bexley's} Last Day of Preschool 2013

Here is our{sweet little} Bexley on her last day of preschool this year!  Still makes me laugh that on her 1st day of school this year, she wanted to be a pirate when she grows up!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

{Outdoor} Movie Night!

On Pinterest I saw an idea for an Outdoor Movie Night!  I wanted to do it last Summer, but it was just too hot!  I couldn't wait for Spring to roll around so we could have it!  We had set up a screen, got a projector and once the sun set....started the movie!  It was so fun to see the kids go from running around to completely quiet watching the movie!!!  Now, I can't wait for Fall to come so we can have another one!!!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

{Strawberry Picking} with friends!

Bexley's friend invited us to one of the strawberry farms in Apex today!  It was super cute seeing the 3 little girls pick strawberries!!!  Strawberry picking was fun, but feeding the horse was, I think, more fun for them!

Love this pic and love that she still puts her shoes on the wrong feet!

Best Friends!

Monday, May 13, 2013

{Tooth #3} Camden

As if I didn't get enough on Mother's Day...Camden lost his 3rd tooth (by way of a soccer friend elbow-ing him in the mouth)!  He came to us in the middle of a soccer game with his mouth bleeding telling us what happened.  We told him to NOT mess with it...while he was playing his game.  Scott bribed him with a dollar to not pull on it!  Then, later as I was Skyping my mom he came to tell me, "Look Mom, my tooth came out!"  Love that child!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

{Mother's Day} 2013

I'm defiantly always spoiled by Scott , but today I get really, really spoiled...and I love it!  Scott and the kids never disappoint on Mother's Day!  I always feel so special and loved (not like I don't other days), but it's nice to have them tell me over and over all day! Here are some special moments from today!

I wish you could see what he wrote, it is so cute...1)  It bugs my mom when...SHE HAS NUTTIN' TO DO   2)  My mom's favorite show is...THE BACHELOR  3)  My mom's favorite song is...."AS LONG AS YOU LOVE ME by JUSTIN BEIBER   4)  I love it when my mom cooks...."PANCAKES"  and this is how she does it.

Bexley's Card!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

{Bexley's} Spring Concert

Bexley had her Spring Concert at preschool today!  I am so amazed that the 3 year old can memorize and choreograph 6 songs!...and ones are not your ABC/Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star!  Bexley did so good!  She usually just stands there, but she sang and danced the whole time!!!  (The lollipop bribe probably had something to do with it!)

...with her bestie!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

{Teacher Appreciation} Week!!!

One of my favorite weeks of the year (besides my birthday, Christmas, and Thanksgiving) is when I get to do some crafty gifts for our fun teachers!!!  Here are the projects I was working on for this week!

Monday:  Bring a flower to your teacher ~ of course it wouldn't be complete unless Camden brought them in a colored pencil vase!!!

Tuesday:  School Supplies Day ~ cute rainboot filled with teacher supplies and a gift card to Target to get what she needs for the classroom!

Wednesday:  Thank you note day ~ Camden wrote a cute message to his teacher inside!

Thursday:  Specials Teachers (art, drama, tech, music, library, and PE)

Friday:  Sweet Treat Day ~ "Donut" you love it?!?

Just to let her know we really love her, we added this on Monday morning before she got to school!