Thursday, July 5, 2012

{4th of July} Myrtle Beach!

Our friend, Biggs, invited us to his family home in Myrtle Beach this 4th of July!  It was our 1st time celebrating Independence Day at the beach and our 1st time on vacation with Biggs.  It was so much fun, but isn't everything better at the beach!  We spent the day doing a lot of...nothing!  Isn't that how it's supposed to be when 1) you are at the beach and 2) it's a holiday!  We were at the pool in the morning and then at nap time Camden & I went shopping!  When we were in our 3rd hour of shopping we pulled up to another shop and Camden said, "No, no, no...I am not going in there!  I want to go home!"  Guess he had enough for the day!  We had a great dinner ~ Carolina Roadhouse never disappoints, lit some sparklers and waited for the fireworks! And boy did we see some fireworks ~ they were a.m.a.z.i.n.g!  What a great way to celebrate the 4th!

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