Sunday, July 29, 2012

{Wild Winds + Storm} Take 2!

Another wild storm came through our town last night!  After spending 4 hours cleaning up the last storm yesterday, another tree fell in our yard!  This time we were watching the storm and saw it fall!  Never happy to see a tree fall, but we feel lucky that it fell where it did otherwise it would have fallen on our neighbors house!  Yikes!  We are grateful for the rain, but hope this is the last of the trees to come down!

Tree #2 down from the storm last night!

Clean up from the storm a few days ago...guess we'll be adding to the pile!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

{Beach Pics} Turks & Caicos Photographer

I really wanted professional pics taken of us as a family while we were in the Turks.  I found a photographer that I LOVED, but Scott was not on board.  I thought it would take a lot of convincing for Scott, but he was!  Little did I know he had his own sneaky plan...on our anniversary he surprised me with the same photographer!  (Have I ever mentioned that I have the sweetest, most thoughtful husband E.V.E.R!)  I cried when he gave me my gift!  Here are the photos we chose!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

{Wild Winds} in Apex

A big storm came through our town today!  I was on the phone with my friend when I noticed a tree in the back yard down!  I quickly got off the phone an called Scott!  He said there was a tornado spotted by our house causing severe winds/rain!  I thought that was our excitement for the day until I realized Camden called 911 to report the the tree emergency in our backyard!

Whoa ~ uprooted tree!

{Our Last Day} Iowa Trip

We had such a great trip to Iowa this year!  We had a relaxing last day spending time with friends and family!  Here are some pics of our last day!  See the pics...after the jump!

Monday, July 23, 2012

{Ledges State Park} Iowa Trip

While in Boone we went to Ledges State Park to splash around in the water a little!  The kids loved it and I loved showing them a park I used to go to as a kid!  They had so much fun wading with Cousin Kyle, Uncle Chris, and Uncle Scott!  I think Grandma had a little fun splashing around too!

"Surfer Girl!" ~  Bexley Cole

Our kids are super cooperative when they don't want their pic taken!

Uncle Scott & I                                                          Me, Mom and Chris

Kisses for Grandma!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

{Farmer's Market} Iowa Trip

While in Iowa we were lucky enough to stay with Uncle Scott!  He has always had a special place in my heart and I just love him to pieces!  We went out for breakfast the next morning after we stayed with him.  After breakfast, we thought we would just swing by the Farmer's Market and see what Ames, Iowa had to offer!  Cute little stands, live music, and dancing...but the thing that I loved most was stumbling upon a little parade.  I still don't know what the deal was, but it was cute and fun!  Always a treat to get to spend time with Uncle Scott and this was just an added bonus!  See the pics...after the jump!

Friday, July 20, 2012

{Grandma V} Iowa Trip

So of course while we are in Iowa I had to see my Grandma V!  I just love her to pieces!  I have such great memories of spending time with her!  She was the one who taught me how to sew my 1st pillow cover (little did she know then she was bringing out the crafty-little-me I am today), took me to see the Amish, and would let me rummage through her attic and play dress up with all her old hats/70's clothes/jewelry!  Still looking good at 86 ~ I hope I am 1/2 the woman she is today when I am 86!  Love you Grandma!  See the pics...after the jump!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

{BFF} Iowa Trip

I will never forget meeting Brenda in gym class our freshman year in high school ~ she was new to town and I was a really scared, shy little freshman!  We started chatting and hit it off from there!  We've been great friends every since!  16 years later we still talk every week, email lots, and laugh until we pee when we are together!  To me, we had a perfect evening the other night...good food, great music, and great friends!  A great night to not forget!!!


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

{Date Night} Iowa Trip

Scott and I thought we would take full advantage of having grandparents with us 24/7 and go on a date while in Iowa.  We went to one of our favorite restaurants when we 1st dated ~ Aunt Maude's!  The food is just how we remember ~ SUPER YUMMY!  Great night getting away just the 2 of us! 

Mrs. Cheeseball

This was the 1st pic we took, but Scott didn't like it!  I don't know what his problem was...I always like a close up!  Hahaha!  Scott is going to hate me, but I had to post it!

{Hurst Gathering} Iowa Trip

We had a mini Hurst Family Reunion at Uncle Scott's house last Saturday!  The biggest treat was getting to spend some time with my Grandma Hurst!  It was really important to me that our kids be able to play and visit with her!  I always love getting to spend time with everyone, however I always eat way too much, laugh way too hard and miss them so much when they are gone!  See pics of my sweet Grandma H...after the jump!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

{Morning Beach Walk Fun} Myrtle Beach

This morning we decided to take a walk on the beach one last time before we go home tomorrow!  After all our beach trips this year, spending 2 weeks in the Turks, and now in Myrtle beach this week ~ the ocean, the sand, the feeling being out on the beach...just.never.gets.old!  We absolutly love it here!  I can't wait for the day we own our own beach home here and can spend all summer...every Thanksgiving or Christmas or New Year's Eve...every birthday...(I think you get it)....any day we want....HERE!

Friday, July 6, 2012

{Lego Fun} Myrtle Beach

Just so happens that there was a Lego exhibit in Myrtle Beach while we were there!  A super treat for Camden...and maybe Scott too!  Here are some pics of our building fun!


Thursday, July 5, 2012

{4th of July} Myrtle Beach!

Our friend, Biggs, invited us to his family home in Myrtle Beach this 4th of July!  It was our 1st time celebrating Independence Day at the beach and our 1st time on vacation with Biggs.  It was so much fun, but isn't everything better at the beach!  We spent the day doing a lot of...nothing!  Isn't that how it's supposed to be when 1) you are at the beach and 2) it's a holiday!  We were at the pool in the morning and then at nap time Camden & I went shopping!  When we were in our 3rd hour of shopping we pulled up to another shop and Camden said, "No, no, no...I am not going in there!  I want to go home!"  Guess he had enough for the day!  We had a great dinner ~ Carolina Roadhouse never disappoints, lit some sparklers and waited for the fireworks! And boy did we see some fireworks ~ they were a.m.a.z.i.n.g!  What a great way to celebrate the 4th!

Monday, July 2, 2012

{Smith Mountain Lake} with the Hill Family!

Good friends of ours invited us to their family home at Smith Mountain Lake this weekend!  We had a blast!  The lake was so amazing with the mountains, clear water and nice views!  Camden & Bexley loved the water, jet skies & boating, and playing with the adorable Hill kids!  We had a ton of fun and even enjoyed fireworks from the neighbors next to us after the kids had gone to bed!  We are so lucky to have this opputunity to spend a great weekend with great friends!

I mean, seriously...can they be more adorable together!

Feeding the fish!

Singing & Dancing in the rain...or sprinklers!