Sunday, February 26, 2012

{North Carolina} Zoo

This weekend we headed to the North Carolina Zoo (thanks for the tickets Grandma Sharon)!  We had planned on going there on President's Day, but it was closed due to our SNOW!  Anyway, it worked out well because we had important people to see in Asheboro for their birthday, ain't that right, Phillip (Grandpa)!  It was a great day aside from Bexley feeling a little under the weather, but we made the most of it and had a wonderful time visiting the animals!

Family Pic!  You would think by looking at the pictures that it was 20 degrees was 50!
Did I forget to mention someone in our family was chosen on Friday to bring home the class pets (CoCo & JoJo) from school this weekend?

Camden brought his camera along.  I think he took about 239 pictures...but that's another posting!

Doesn't it look like the cat and Camden are eye to eye?!?  He was probably wanting to get a closer look at CoCo and JoJo!
One of my favorite memories from that day!


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

{ColeHurst} Street

Camden had a birthday party the other day in a neighborhood in Apex.  As we were driving to the party we happened upon this street!  I COULD NOT believe it!  I told Scott if I had seen this street when we were looking at houses and there was one for sale ~ I probably would have pushed hard to buy it! 

Monday, February 20, 2012

{SNOW} Day!

This morning at 6:30am Scott and I woke up to Camden screaming, "DADDY!  MOMMY!  WAKE UP, WAKE UP...It snowed last night!!!"  It was so cute that he was that excited that it snowed ~ it also woke Bexley up who began singing, "It snowed, it snowed!"  It was so funny because before Scott and I went to bed I looked out the window and then started dancing around Scott singing, "It's snowing outside, it's snowing outside!"  So amazing what a little snow can do to those who don't get to see it, but once a year!
Contemplating where would be a good spot to get Bexley with a snowball!
Retaliation time!

Snow Angels!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

{Day at the} Park

This weekend it was G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S outside!  We went to this park not far from our house.  It was so much fun and relaxing too!  We did the usual park things ~ played on the playground, threw rocks in the lake, played baseball, and had a PICNIC!!!  So much fun ~ we'll have to go back...soon!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

{Valentine's} Day!

Such a fun Valentine's Day this year!  Camden asked yesterday if we could keep his Vday envelope up because he, "liked getting presents everyday!"  But after eating red food, drinking pink milk and having red & pink pancakes we are ready to move on to the next holiday!

Silly Faces!
Valentine's Day Food

Our Valentines to our friends!

Gifts to our teachers!

Monday, February 13, 2012

{Valentine's Day} Traditions

We have been having a blast this Valentine's Day!  Every morning from Feb 1st to Valentine's day when the kids wake up there is a special treat waiting for them in their Valentine's Day Envelopes!  Anything from stickers& bubbles to chocolate & vday candy!  Camden asked me who the gifts were from and when I told him from his Mommy & Daddy he seemed disappointed.  I guess he thought they magically appeared from the Valentine's Day Fairy and just getting a gift from Mommy and Daddy was as appealing.

We also do a Valentine's Day Activity everyday.  We have had "Dessert before Dinner" & "Bake Vday Cookies and share with a neighbor!"  I love doing stuff like this and don't get me takes a lot of effort, but to see how much Bexley and Camden love it is TOTALLY worth all the work! 

Camden picking the Valentine's Day Activity!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

{Bexley's 1st} Haircut

Since I had never had a girl, I really wasn't sure when to cut her hair (especially since I want it long)!  I had a friend, who's 1st child was  girl and I remember her saying that she wanted her hair long and she hadn't had a haircut yet (she was 3 years old).  So, I always thought you didn't cut girls hair like you did a boys.  It was looking a little on the stringy side, so I thought, "ya, know...if won't be a chop-it-all-off kind of haircut, just a trim!"  I'm so glad I did...(and wish I did it sooner) because it is so adorable on her.  The hair stylist was right...she just made Bexley look more grown up!

A little of a scared moment DURING beautiful little girl!

Friday, February 10, 2012

{Our Little Valentine's Day} Party!

After Camden's birthday party he would ask me everyday when were we going to have his friends over again.  I had mentioned....mentioned, not promised, mentioned that maybe we could have a Valentine's Day party.  Well, he didn't just ask once...he asked everyday!  "Mommy, is today our Valentine's Day Party?  Are our friends coming over today?"  So we invited some friends over from school and had us a little Valentine's Day Party!....and I learned my lesson ~ DO NOT mention anything about an Easter party to Camden! 

Little Cuties!
Kid's Table
Dessert Table
Heart Ice Cubes to make Pink Valentine's Day Milk!

Sweet Treats for our Guests

Sunday, February 5, 2012

{Speedy} The Calf

This weekend we went to visit Scott's parents.  While there we were able to meet the newest member of the family...sweet little Speedy, the calf.  Speedy (Camden picked out the name) was born about a month ago ~ so still being a baby Camden and Bexley were able to give him his milk!  Such a treat ~ they had the best time playing and loving on him!  Of course, I didn't have my big camera, but luckily...I always carry a back up!

Friday, February 3, 2012

{Our Little Girl} Is Growing Up!

We just recently moved Bexley into her big-girl bed!  She really liked her crib and never tried to crawl out of it, but when we would play in Camden's room she would jump into his bed and snuggle beneath the covers.  You could tell she wanted a big bed of her own!  I emotionally probably wasn't ready for it, but she really, really loves it...and she looks so grown up in it snuggled beneath her own blankets!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

{Valentine's Day} At Our Home!

YAY!  It will be Valentine's Day soon and I LOVE me some Valentine's Day!  I love it all...hearts, cupid, flowers, love, candy ~ all of it!  I've been on Pinterest scouring for decorating and kid activities for the holiday.  I didn't find much which is super surprising, but I found some inspiration from the Valentine's Day Pottery Barn Magazine (another surprise)!  So I got out my sewing machine and hot glue gun.  This is what I came up with!!!

Our Valentine's Day Countdown Calendar with Activities!

Pottery Barn Inspired Pillows

 Front Door Wreath....kind of