Monday, January 23, 2012

{Colonial} Williamsburg, VA

Scott surprised us a few weeks ago with a little weekend choice of location!  I had always heard that Williamsburg, VA was one of the top spots to go for families!  So we decided on it!  We had  a great time despite the weather (cold & rainy)!  We were able to walk around the College of William & Mary and Historic Williamsburg while it wasn't raining and eat at a really great restaurant!

We had to make a stop for some puddle fun! 

After a nice lunch we visited the cutest candy shop!

After walking around we had to make a pit stop at the Urgent Care!  Bexley had come down with some "pink eye-like" symtoms!  Yikes!  Luckily, it wasn't and she was in a great mood!

We then checked in to the hotel for some inside fun!

 Then headed out to the aquarium/museum by the bay!  Super fun!

All in all it was a fun weekend!  We'll defiantly have to go back this summer when they have all the festivities with the colonial reenactments!  Hopefully then it won't be cold and rainy!

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