Sunday, December 18, 2011

{Preschool Christmas} Program

I've been waiting for this moment since we put Camden in Preschool 3 yrs ago...the Christmas Program for the 4's!  He started when he was 2 and they sang like one song (Twinkle, Twinkle Christmas Star) and the whole time Camden was looking around at his friends making faces!  Then last year his program was cancelled due to the weather And this year we got the whole sha-bang!  Our little 4 year old was front and center singing and signing as loud as he could to their 5 songs!  He was so cute!  I got a little teary-eyed when they sang "Silent Night" but can't wait for next year when we get to start this all over again with Bexley!

Before the program looking all handsome!
Singing "Jingle Bells"

Proud Daddy recording it all!

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