Monday, November 28, 2011

{Thanksgiving} In the Mountains

I just L.O.V.E our Thanksgiving tradition we do every year!  Going to Blowing Rock/Boone, NC to stay in our (I only wish we owned one) mountain condo!  It's so relaxing!  No cell phones, no house projects to worry about doing, and anything semi-important is just going to have to wait until we get back!  We haven't been to the mountains since last Thanksgiving and while taking one of our favorite cut-throughs (up and over the mountains) lots of memories came flooding back to us.  I found myself saying, "Oh, look Scott that's the park we went to when I was pregnant with Camden." or "That's where we had our family picnic last year!' and "There's the lake we went to with Camden on his 1st trip to the mountains!"  I just love it there!

We spent Thanksgiving day just relaxing, playing board games with the kids, cooking our feast and of course picking out the most PERFECT CHRISTMAS TREE for our home!  We have so much to be thankful for this year and every year!

All dressed up in our Thanksgiving Hats!
{Our Little} Pilgrims!

I just wanted a picture of Scott and me.  Camden was SOOO mad 
that he wasn't invited into the pic!  I could NOT stop laughing!
Sunrise from the condo!

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