Tuesday, November 29, 2011

{Oh, Christmas Tree} Oh, Christmas Tree!

While in the mountains for Thanksgiving we always look and cut our Christmas tree!  We always look at a few different tree farms, but always find ourselves back at Hensen Farms. (We just love those guys!)  This year we found the perfect tree for very 1st Christmas in our new home!

{Our little} 14ft tree!

All lit up!

Monday, November 28, 2011

{Thanksgiving} In the Mountains

I just L.O.V.E our Thanksgiving tradition we do every year!  Going to Blowing Rock/Boone, NC to stay in our (I only wish we owned one) mountain condo!  It's so relaxing!  No cell phones, no house projects to worry about doing, and anything semi-important is just going to have to wait until we get back!  We haven't been to the mountains since last Thanksgiving and while taking one of our favorite cut-throughs (up and over the mountains) lots of memories came flooding back to us.  I found myself saying, "Oh, look Scott that's the park we went to when I was pregnant with Camden." or "That's where we had our family picnic last year!' and "There's the lake we went to with Camden on his 1st trip to the mountains!"  I just love it there!

We spent Thanksgiving day just relaxing, playing board games with the kids, cooking our feast and of course picking out the most PERFECT CHRISTMAS TREE for our home!  We have so much to be thankful for this year and every year!

All dressed up in our Thanksgiving Hats!
{Our Little} Pilgrims!

I just wanted a picture of Scott and me.  Camden was SOOO mad 
that he wasn't invited into the pic!  I could NOT stop laughing!
Sunrise from the condo!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

{Happy Birthday} To Me!

Happy Birthday to me!  Happy Birthday to me!  Happy Birthday to me-eeee!  Happy Birthday to me!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

{Happy} Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!  We have so much to be thankful for this year!  Camden's school invited us to share in their Thanksgiving this year!  It was the cutest Thanksgiving I had ever been to!  They were dressed up in costumes they designed, sang a Thanksgiving song and blessed the food (with another cute song)!  It was so much fun!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

{Turkey} Treats

Camden gets to bring the snack at school once a month.  I always try to do a "themed" something.  You know, whatever they are studying that month...it's my way of feeling like I contribute to the class!  Anyway, November is usually associated with Thanksgiving and to some...my birthday ~ so of course we had to do turkey rice crispie treats!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

{Our Little Moving Box} Home

I was cleaning out the last boxes from the move when Camden asked if he could have one!  I heard him in the other room playing "deer stand" with his gun his Grandpa (Phillip) made him.  He asked if we could cut windows and doors...this is what we came up with!  Bexley had quite the surprise when she woke up from her nap!

Friday, November 11, 2011

{Our Little Swimmer} Part 2

Camden has been taking swimming lessons since September.  I know I've said this before, but I am just AMAZED at what they can teach these kids!  It's so fun to watch him go from swimming around in his floatie this summer to back floating, crawl stroke, and holding his breath under water for 10sec!  I'm that annoying parent in there with the camera in one hand and video camera in the other making sure I don't miss a thing!  (Okay, I've only done it a few times, but it sure feels like I'm doing it a lot!)  We are so proud of Camden! 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

{Falling} Leaves

Fall is definatly here!  And it doesn't feel like fall until you rake some leaves, jump into them and then rake them up again!  I was surprised how many we actually had in our back yard ~ the kids had so much fun, but who doesn't love jumping in leaves!

Monday, November 7, 2011

{Surprise} Mrytle Beach Weekend!

Scott surprised us this weekend with a trip to Myrtle Beach! We LOVE surprises like this! We were only there for a night, but were able to do all the things we love aside from swimming in the ocean! It was a little cold and windy, but we still made it out to the beach ~ I had to get some quick shots of the kids for our Christmas card pic! Anyway, we were able to eat at our favorite places, swim in the outdoor pool at the resort (pool was heated to 80 degrees!), shop, and play! We stayed at the Marriott Grand Dunes Vacation Club. It was so perfect ~ highly recommend it if you are in the area. It had TONS for the kids to do, 20 million heated pools...well it felt like it anyway, a 3 story tree house, kid activities and every room (villa) has an ocean view ~ we wanted to stay longer! We love going to the beach even if we don't get to spend all of our time in the sand!

L.O.V.E how relaxed Bexley is on Camden

Camden loved the fireman's pole!

Everyone had fun at the tree house!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

{Trick Or} Treat!

Happy Halloween!  The kids had a blast this year trick or treating!  Aside from the rainy weather, I have to admit...it was a TON of fun!  Bexley surprised us.  She is really shy around strangers, but she would walk up to the door, ring the doorbell, and shout "TRICK OR TREAT!"  Camden on the other hand had to be carefully watched as he was known to take multiple pieces of candy!  What a great Halloween ~ can't wait for next year!