Monday, February 1, 2010

{Snow Days} in February!

If you haven't heard by now NC got some snow last weekend.  We got about 8" and Camden is LOVING it!  My mom is coming to visit from IA next week (for those of you that don't know...IA gets a lot of snow this time of year) so I am hoping for the snow to be gone and for it to be at least 50 degrees!  We'll see.  I can almost promise the snow will be gone, but I don't know about the 50!  Brenda came to visit a few weekends ago (she lives in Omaha - also very cold and snowy) and all she wanted was to see some sunshine!  Luckily we had some to share!  Anyway, here are some pics from Camden and Bexley playing out in the snow this weekend! 

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