Sunday, October 28, 2012

{Pumpkin} Time!

Before we headed out to the Seagrove's Farm Fall Festival I got some cute shots of the kids with their pumpkins!  Bexley is really into Barbies right now and I mean really into Barbies.  When I asked her if she wanted a ballerina or Barbie on her pumpkin she shouted, "BARBIE!"  And I didn't even have to ask Camden what he wanted on his ~ Angry Birds!  Glad neither one is complicated to carve!  I gave Scott the Angry Birds one (hehehe ~ arn't I the sweet wife)!
I don't know what the "secret" was, but I'm almost positive it ended with the word "doo-doo"

This one wins "Most Favorite Fall Pic" for me...hands down!

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