Monday, August 27, 2012

{Prayers at} Dinner time!

Tonight for our dinner prayer I said our normal "from the heart" (not the song prayer they say at preschool).  When I was done, Bexley said to me, "You didn't say a prayer for me potty training!"  So we grabbed hands and I added, "...and please help Bexley with her potty training!  Amen."  Bexley now content and smiling, Camden chimes in, "You didn't say 'to give me strength!'"  Ok...this is a new one for him.  So I said, "Camden, you say the next one."  He closes his eyes, grabs my hand, bows his head and says, "Dear God, please give me strength....(pause, pause, pause) I can lift and carry heavy objects.  Amen." 

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