Friday, August 24, 2012

{Jobs Chart} YAY!

My talk-to-everyday pal, craft buddy, and great friend Ashley was bouncing ideas off of me the other day for a chore chart she was making for her kids.  I went on Pinterest to see what could inspire me for her project and it got me wanting to make one!  Luckily I could make it from things I had already (love when that happens)!  I thought, this would be great to start it a few weeks before school gets going in full swing and get us back to a routine!  Bexley loves it, waking every morning making her bed and brushing her teeth without being asked!  She even brings Camden his toothbrush.  Camden on the other hand...does NOT like it AT ALL!  Although I find him empting the dishwasher (clean dishes or not) and feeding Kitty (whether Kitty needs it or not), but least he's trying!  Thanks for the idea, Ash!

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