Sunday, June 3, 2012

{Turks & Caicos} Getting There

YAY!  We made it to the Turks and Caicos!!!  We had a great, uneventful trip and are so glad to be here!  Camden & Bexley did really well on the airplane!  Camden had a great time making friends with everyone who walked past our seats ~ he's such a friendly little man!  He even made "best friends" (as they were calling each other) with a 5 1/2 year old (that's how Spencer, our new best friend introduced himself)!  Anyway, we are here and it is as beautiful if not more beautiful as Scott and I remember it!  Well... we're off to the beach!

Bexley had to have Barbie & Puppy buckled in their seatbelt too!  Here she is, very seriously, watching a movie!
He was so proud of his pilot wings he got from the flight attendent asking
for me to take a pic of him!
Flying into the Turks and Caicos Airport!  It really is that beautiful ~ this picture is not edited!

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