Monday, June 18, 2012

{Father's Day} 2012

Amen!  Just shy of 2 hours from getting home from the airport, it was Father's Day!  Scott always likes spending his weekends relaxing (that never happens though...I always have him doing something for me or running around!  Just another reason why we love him so much!), but this Sunday he really wanted to do nothing, but sit around and relax!  I almost thought it was Mother's Day because after we woke up Scott started unpacking the suitcases, doing laundry and he even put together 2 loveseats for our front porch!  This is why I love him so much!  On a day that he is supposed to be spoiled by us, he is spoiling me!!!  He's so unselfish & thoughtful of what we would want!  I always hear people say how lucky I am to have him...they don't even know!  There's not one day that goes by that I don't feel so fortunate to have such a wonderful, sweet, loving husband and giving, caring, and fun dad for our kids!  I love you, honey!  Happy Father's Day! 
Father's Day present...a little book I made, written by the kids about their daddy!  Has questions like, "Why is Daddy better than Batman?" and "How old is Daddy/What's his favorite food/ What does he do at work all day?"

Isn't this the sweetest pic...ever!

Another great breakfast at La Farm in Cary, NC!  So yummy!
Look it's another pic of Scott & I with me holding the camera out!  I need to remember we are not in the sand anymore...Camden is allowed to take pics for us again!

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