Sunday, February 26, 2012

{North Carolina} Zoo

This weekend we headed to the North Carolina Zoo (thanks for the tickets Grandma Sharon)!  We had planned on going there on President's Day, but it was closed due to our SNOW!  Anyway, it worked out well because we had important people to see in Asheboro for their birthday, ain't that right, Phillip (Grandpa)!  It was a great day aside from Bexley feeling a little under the weather, but we made the most of it and had a wonderful time visiting the animals!

Family Pic!  You would think by looking at the pictures that it was 20 degrees was 50!
Did I forget to mention someone in our family was chosen on Friday to bring home the class pets (CoCo & JoJo) from school this weekend?

Camden brought his camera along.  I think he took about 239 pictures...but that's another posting!

Doesn't it look like the cat and Camden are eye to eye?!?  He was probably wanting to get a closer look at CoCo and JoJo!
One of my favorite memories from that day!


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