Sunday, February 12, 2012

{Bexley's 1st} Haircut

Since I had never had a girl, I really wasn't sure when to cut her hair (especially since I want it long)!  I had a friend, who's 1st child was  girl and I remember her saying that she wanted her hair long and she hadn't had a haircut yet (she was 3 years old).  So, I always thought you didn't cut girls hair like you did a boys.  It was looking a little on the stringy side, so I thought, "ya, know...if won't be a chop-it-all-off kind of haircut, just a trim!"  I'm so glad I did...(and wish I did it sooner) because it is so adorable on her.  The hair stylist was right...she just made Bexley look more grown up!

A little of a scared moment DURING beautiful little girl!

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