Monday, August 1, 2011

{Happy 36th Birthday} Scott!

It's Scott's 36th birthday!!!  Yay 36!  It's so funny ~ two things happen when you get older.  1)  When you are in your 20's, 36 seems so old and now that you are here ~ it's not that  old and 2) you always have a conversation with someone to figure our exactly how old you are because you can't remember.  (After having this convo with Scott over his age this year, I was happy to find out that I was 32 not 33!  YAY!  Here I was telling everyone that I was 33!)  We took Scott out for breakfast to one of our favorite breakfast spots in Cary ~ kind of had to, we woke up with no electricity this morning!  Pretty low key birthday week this year, just relaxing with family!  And if you're wondering what Scott got for his's simple...a new house!

Birthday Smooch!

Another birthday kiss!

Playing the wii!  If you play with Camden you MUST stay clear of him otherwise you may get knocked out!
Camden had a hard time taking a break from the wii for a pic and Bexley just wanted to show us where her nose was!  ;)

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