Tuesday, August 16, 2011

{Blue Taping} At Our New Home!

Well, it is that time!  Less than 2 weeks until we move in!  We had our New Home Walk Through today, but the best was yesterday when Scott and I had our inspector check the house out.  After the inspection, Scott and I thought we'd get a head start on the Tuesday meeting with the builder where we put up the blue tape together.(For those of you who don't know, blue tape on the walls indicates to the builder areas to fix or touch up.)  I must say, it...was...impressive!  There was so much tape up that today I asked the builder if this was the most he'd ever seen.  He hesitated and I said, "Be honest.  It's in the top 3 of what you've seen, right?"  He smiled and simply said, "It is."  Enough said, Scott and I already knew we were a little high maintenance!

While waiting for the builder to arrive, I just wanted to get 1 pic of us.  Below is the pic and convo taken before.

 Scott: "C'mon honey, no more pics!  The sun in shining right in our eyes!"    Me: "1 more and I promise we are done!  Just close your eyes and on the count of 3 open them and smile!"

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