Monday, October 31, 2016

{Happy Halloween}

Happy Halloween! What a great night for Trick or Treating! Camden's goal was of course to hit every house in our neighborhood (which he ended up being successful at) and Bexley just wanted to show off her costume (and wig)! They had so much fun and were so exhausted by time it was all done. Another great Halloween in the books!

Human Ariel (Little Mermaid) and Mummy Doctor

Girls vs Boys...Yep, that's our son!

{Halloween} Dinner!

Every Halloween before we go Trick or Treating we always fill up on a scary dinner. On the menu this year was mummy meatloaf (a fav of Camden's), ghost mashed potatoes, and a skeleton (we've named him Eddie) filled with veggie guts. This always is so much fun for the family! Got to fill up on dinner before we fill up on candy!

Sunday, October 30, 2016

{Pumpkin Carving} Fun!

Pumpkin carving is always so much fun! It's especially fun for Scott and I now that the kids can design, cut and de-gut their own pumpkins! Ha! Even after doing this for years, you still hear the kiddos saying, "Ewww! Gross!" Makes us laugh e.v.e.r.y.t.i.m.e!

Saturday, October 22, 2016

{Emerald Isle Beach}

Camden had a few soccer games near the beach this weekend. When near the beach, you go to the matter what the weather is like! My mom was in town, so what a nice way to end her trip by stopping by the beach! We went out in the morning, but it was really windy and cold. We decided to come back at lunch time before Camden's games started. What luck! It was still a little windy, but warm enough to get in some beach time. The beach is always so much fun and this time was no different! We will miss you Emerald Isle!

Morning walk on the beach!
She used to dance on the beach and in the we do cartwheels!
Building sandcastles with Grandma!
This was the only water we were getting in! That ocean was COLD!
Beach lunches are the best!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

{Halloween House} Decorating!

A tradition we have every Halloween season is to decorate a Halloween House (think gingerbread house)! The kids love it and look forward to it every time! This year instead of one house we did a whole village! Check out their creations!