Tuesday, February 17, 2015

{Sledding Fun}

We finally got some snow and what made it extra fun was that it was covered in ice! The kids had a blast going down our driveway! All of the neighborhood friends came out to play and had so much fun sledding!!! I can't wait to get more snow tomorrow ~ maybe we'll get enough to build a snowman!

Neighbor girlfriends are the best!

Friday, February 13, 2015

{Happy Valentine's Day}

We have been celebrating Valentine's Day all week long here! The kids have their Love Envelope Chairbackers where they receive a small gift every morning! We also tried something new with mini mailboxes outside of their rooms! Scott and I leave a message each night for them to see in the morning. They even left us a note one morning ~ we loved that! We love Valentine's Day around here!!!

Pic before celebrating at school. I so glad Bexley lets me pick out a cute little heart dress. This red shirt on Camden is as Valentine's Day for him as it gets...a sports shirt. Ugh. My days of dressing him in cutesy shirts are over!
Cam with his valentine's! The nose pencil sharpeners were from him to his class! How fun!
Bex with her cute valentines! She gave out paints!
Teacher gifts!

Our mini mailboxes for the kids with a note!