Saturday, June 28, 2014

{Chocolate Factory Tour} Videri

Last night the kids and I watched Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory!  This morning we went and toured the local chocolate factory in Raleigh, Videri.  Although, not very big and we did our own tour, it was really fun!  The chocolate was super yummy too!  I opted for the dark chocolate with sea salt and the kiddos got a dark milk chocolate!  So fun to do something a little different today!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

{NC ZOO} Day

We didn't have any camps scheduled this week, so we decided to go to the zoo!  Scott's mom works there and was able to walk around with us!  I think the kids liked the zoo a lot more this time than the last visit!  We also got really lucky with the weather!  The zoo is always fun and this trip was no different!!!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

{Father's Day}

Happy Father's Day, Scott!  You are amazing and we love you very much!!!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

{Last Day of 1st Grade} Camden

Well we are officially no longer a 1st grader!  When I asked Camden if he was excited to be a 2nd Grader he said, "Yes, but I wish I could take Mrs. D with me!"  (Feeling is mutual, Cam)  We love our 1st Grade teacher!  She is amazing!  Camden had a very fun last day of school and is VERY excited for his summer to begin!

We love these ladies so much!  We are going to miss them next school year!