Wednesday, October 31, 2012

{Happy} Halloween!

We had a perfect night for trick - or - treating!  We started at a friend's house for a party then the kids went knocking on doors in their neighborhood!  Once it started to get dark we came to our house to see some of our neighborhood friends!  The kids had a BLAST and we loved seeing everyone dressed up!  Good weather, great friends, and unforgettable memories!!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

{Tooth #2} Has Fallen Out!

In the midst of everything going on this weekend, Camden lost his 2nd tooth!!!  I never imagined before I had kids how excited I would be for my child when they lost a tooth.  I mean...I almost cry every time it happens!  And it's just the cutest little tooth!  Camden was excited for the tooth fairy to visit ~ thought she would leave him $2 instead of $1 like last time since he has lost 2 TEETH!  Funny kid, but the Tooth Fairy only leaves $1/tooth!

Monday, October 29, 2012

{Pumpkin Carving} Party!!!

Our neighborhood put together a Fall Festival with a bounce house, face painting, a costume parade, sidewalk chalk, and a cakewalk! The kids loved it and got to see a lot of their friends there!  Then we headed to our neighbors house (our 1st neighbor we met when we moved here) to their pumpkin carving party they have every year!  Again, the kids loved it and got to play with their friends while Scott and I had the joy of carving their pumpkins!!!  (Can you sense a little sarcasm there!)  Anyway, what a way to end our busy weekend!  We love {Our Little} Neighborhood!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

{Pumpkin} Time!

Before we headed out to the Seagrove's Farm Fall Festival I got some cute shots of the kids with their pumpkins!  Bexley is really into Barbies right now and I mean really into Barbies.  When I asked her if she wanted a ballerina or Barbie on her pumpkin she shouted, "BARBIE!"  And I didn't even have to ask Camden what he wanted on his ~ Angry Birds!  Glad neither one is complicated to carve!  I gave Scott the Angry Birds one (hehehe ~ arn't I the sweet wife)!
I don't know what the "secret" was, but I'm almost positive it ended with the word "doo-doo"

This one wins "Most Favorite Fall Pic" for me...hands down!

{Boo At The} Zoo!

We have always heard Sharon, Scott's mom, talk about Boo At The Zoo (a Halloween celebration every year at the NC Zoo).  We thought we would check it out this year!  You get to walk around the zoo in your costume, play games to win prizes, and get candy!  The kids liked it, in fact they didn't really even care about the animals (I don't know why...we were able to see the giraffes and a baby gorilla who was 4 weeks old) they just wanted to get more prizes and find more games!  Such a fun day and it ended with a Halloween party (adults only) in the neighborhood!

Some of the sweet animals!

The new dinosaur exhibit ~ at the end the dinosaurs "spit" at you!

The Red Samri Power Ranger and Supergirl!

Ewww!  Vampire Teeth!!!

Going SUPER fast on the carosel teacups!
Ended the night at a Halloween Party as Prom King/Queen of 1993!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

{Falling} Leaves...and kids!

We are in full on Fall mode around here starting this week!  We have had a special week at Camden's school to celebrate fall, we are going to the NC Zoo this weekend for Boo At The Zoo, we have a pumpkin carving party, a Halloween party, and a fall festival for our neighborhood ALL THIS WEEKEND!  So I thought we would kick it off by racking leaves and jumping in them after school!  As you can imagine...the kids L.O.V.E.D it!

{Miss Baseball} Player

Camden has taken a liking to baseball (and soccer and basketball and bike riding and football...) so now we have little sister wanting to do baseball (and soccer and basketball and bike riding and football...)!  The other day while playing outside she hit a few balls and I ran to get my camera to take a few shots!  Isn't she the cutest baseball girl you've ever seen...and she's not that bad!

Monday, October 22, 2012

{Fly Fishing} in the Mountains!

Scott had a guys day this weekend in the Tennessee mountains!  He had a great time and really good luck catching 17 trout total!!!  Here's the only  picture he brought back with him (obviously I wasn't with him otherwise there would be 100 pics of the fish, water, the guys)!  Such a pro fisherman, my husband is!  Every time Bexley sees this picture she says, "Oh, man...what a big fish!"  I'm sure Scott thinks the same thing!!!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

{Riding our bike} without help!

Some little boy learned how to ride his bike without training wheels this weekend!!!  Scott decided to teach Camden on Saturday and by Sunday he is riding without help!  Camden is a new boy ~ he is loving his bike!  I have a feeling we will be riding our bike ALOT....rain or shine!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

{Halloween Activity} Dress Up For Dinner

Our activity today from our Halloween Countdown Calendar was "Dress Up In Costume For Dinner!"  This was the most exciting one yet!  After we got home from soccer, the fun began!  Camden was Batman, Bexley was a princess (well, duh) and I was a Witch Bride (?).  The best costume of the night went to Scott (he's so creative).  With 15 minutes notice, he searched his wardrobe and came up with a "Macho Man Pirate!"  I couldn't even look at him without laughing...and as I type this I can barely contain myself!  Of course I had to get pics before we had pizza on us everywhere....however, the camera was focused on the wrong thing and the pics are blurry ~ so bummed!

Then once I checked the pics, Scott had already taken off his mustasche and WAS NOT going to put it back on ~ so glad because he used my good mascara to create it!  Here's us after...trying to stay in Witch Bride/Macho Man Pirate character.
 The kids had so much fun with the whole family dressing up!  It was fun for Scott and I too!

Guess we might have to make this a dinner tradition to get into costumes only I hope Scott grows a muststache like that for real!!!  Hehehe!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

{Happy} Halloween!

A holiday tradition for us at Halloween....always do a JibJab!  Camden and Bexley absolutly L.O.V.E these things and can watch them over and over!  Here is our JibJab for this year!!!

To view our version of Monster Mash, click HERE!
To view our Halloween Rap ~ click HERE!


Monday, October 1, 2012

{Halloween} At Our House!

I always love shifting the house from summer to fall!  Fall is one of my most favorite seasons!  Here is our house for Halloween!

Halloween Mantel

Dining Room Table

Kid get a special treat every morning in their Halloween chairback then we open a date on our Halloween countdown for a special activity!