Tuesday, September 25, 2012

{Learing about} Van Gogh

Camden came home from school today and started drawing a pic.  When he finished it he said, "Mommy, do you want to see my picture?" So he hands it to me and says, "It's like Starry Night by Van Gogh.  Mr. C taught us about him in Art today!"  Then he went on to tell me background info on Van Gogh.  I was so impressed and proud of our own little Van Gogh!

Almost the same, right?!?  This is something we will be keeping for a long time!  Picture from HERE

{The beach} just one last time this summer!

While my mom was here she defiantly had to hit the beach!  Of course we are always up for a beach trip and it was a perfect end to our summer!  We had a great time taking our morning walks, playing in the water, taking the ferry to Southport, walking along the Riverwalk in Wilimington and shopping in downtown Southport!  Always a treat to go back and something that never, ever gets old no matter how much you go!!!

Future Surfer!
Ahhh, Kure Beach!

Beautiful sunrise for a beautiful girl!

Sweet sunrise with Grandma Sherry!
A sand "Batman" drawing!

Ferry Ride to Southport!!!

Friday, September 21, 2012

{You and me go} Fishing in the Dark!

While Mom, Aunt June and Marian were here, Camden found out a very important information....Aunt June knows how to fish AND takes it off the hook!  (Something that I do NOT do!)  So of course we promised him a night fishing adventure.  We had no luck at our normal spot, so we moved to the dock where the night before we had been feeding the fish like crazy!  Hoping to just catch 1, we were successful and boy was it worth the wait....see the big guy below!

Marian giving it a try!  Bexley looks like she's done fishing for the night!

There's our 2" fishy, caught after dark!  Don't let Camden's face fool you...he threw the fish back into the water!  One brave little boy!

{Mom + Girls} Trip!

While Scott has been gone over the last 2 weeks my mom, Aunt June and friend Marian came to visit!  (They road tripped 18hours from Iowa to bring me all of my childhood stuff)!  They have been a huge help while here!  One morning while the kids were in school we went down to the downtown Farmer's Market (a favorite thing for me to do and I wanted to share)! 

From Left to Right:  Marian, Aunt June, Mom and Me!  Love these ladies!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Monday, September 17, 2012

Sunday, September 16, 2012

{Just Cruisin'} Around!

It was a b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l day today ~ so we spent a lot of time outside!  I just couldn't resist putting this pic up of Camden giving Bexley a ride on his 4 wheeler!...I think it's the cute helmets that get me everytime!  Scott and I just have the cutest babies!!!

Then a little push on the swings from big brother! She just loves him!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

{Birthday Balloon Fairy} Bexley!

The birthday balloon fairy was here last night dropping by Bexley's birthday balloons in her favorite color!  PINK!  Bexley was so excited when she woke up, running into our room saying, "THE BIRTHDAY BALLOON FAIRY WAS HERE!!!"  Once again, this special fairy never disappoints!

{Happy Birthday} Sweet Bexley!

Three years ago today our little precious Bexley arrived!!!  She has filled out lives with so much joy!  She is really starting to come into her own!  Who knew that our little 7lb baby then would be the sweetest, girlest, most loving, and oh-so-cuddly little girl we know today!  Happy 3rd Birthday Bexley!!!  We love you oh so very much!!!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

{Bexley's Birthday} Lunch!

Before Scott headed out of town today, we took Bexley out for a birthday lunch.  Her pick was Red Robin ~ she's going to regret it when we are in La Cochina (her 2nd pick and my 1st) next time and there is a birthday sung to someone!  Anyway, to a Red Robin we went!  Another fun birthday celebration for her birthday week...and it isn't even her birthday yet!!!

Enjoying our Ice Cream Sundae!

Sharing with these cute boys!

Just wanting a cute pic with my sweet birthday girl and her NOT having it!

{Bexley's 3rd Birthday} Rapunzel Party!

{Our Little Girl} is about to turn 3 tomorrow!  Lots of tears spring to my eyes when I think about it!   Since Scott is going to be in Germany for the next 2 weeks, we had her party a few days earlier!  She wanted a Tangled (Rapunzel) party ~ so I pulled out all the purple I had and got started on making this birthday extra special for her!  She had so much fun and really loved all the princess, Barbie, girly stuff she got! I have always wanted that girly girl daughter that loves dress up, Barbies, playing hair stylist, pretending to be a princess every minute of the day and loving everything pink!  Oh, Bexley is all that and some!  What I love most is I don't even have to ask her to be this way...she just is!!!  At the end of the night, we couldn't find her for a few minutes...then I heard her playing music on a scooter we got her (which was hidden and supposed to be a surprise for her actual birthday) ~ she had gone in my closet to put more perfume on and saw the tire poking out from the hanging clothes of where it was hidden!  Sneaky thing at almost 3, isn't she?  Anyway, I think she had a great night celebrating and hanging out with family!  Happy Birthday BooBoo!

"Hmm, this is perfect...a Rapunzel party and lots of sweets!"

Sneakin' candy before the party!

Singing Happy Birthday ~ Ready...
Get set....
Go!  I wonder what she wished for...whatever it is, I hope it comes true!!!
Grandma & Grandpa checking out the presents!

Lucky me...I got a picture taken with the birthday girl Belle!

Friday, September 7, 2012

{1st Day of Preschool} Bexley

Bexley finally had her 1st day of Preschool, for this year anyway!  She was so excited!!!  She wanted to do carpool...just like Camden does!  She was so happy today knowing she was going to school!  When I picked her up, she was happy to see me, but wanted to stay longer!  Guess it's going to be a great year!


{Back To School} Party

I wanted to do a very small Back To School Party for the kids the night (or 2 for Bexley) they started school!  We invited our friends and neighbors, The Wolf's over also ~ always love an excuse to have them over!!!  The kids had fun playing together and coloring on the table!  It was a short get together as we had  a big day to get ready for the next day ~ our official 1st day of school!!!

That's {Our "Cute" Little} Friend/Neighbor, Maya!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

{Picking Up Scott} From The Airport

My good friend, Cheryl told me about the cute little park in the airport awhile back.  I have always wanted to take the kids there, but as many times as Scott is at the airport ~ we don't actually take him.  This time when he went to Singapore, we did and we went...to the oh-so-famous airport-park!  I'm not going to lie...I did drive past it the 1st time, but found it once I really watched the signs for it.  So cute, this little park!  It has a make believe runway for the airplanes, a control tower, a playground.  So much fun waiting and watching Scott's plane land!